The Hashira Meeting & The New Year Party

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CH.6 The Hashira Meeting & The New Year Party

This story is always in Third Person P.O.V

This CH is 2062 words long.

A man with light skin and shoulder-length black hair is sitting on the porch of his mansion. In front of him were nine of the strongest demon slayers also known as The Hashiras. Suddenly, a crow came flying and landed on the man's hand "Caw-Caw 7 people have survived the final selection Caw-Caw" The crow informed the man and the Hashiras about the result of the final selection.

"Ara-Ara 7 people surviving surviving the selection that's a big number" A woman of a slender build said. She had long, straight, black hair that reached just below her waist. She also sported a pair of butterfly hairpins same as Kanao's that she wore adorned on either side of her head. She also wore a white butterfly-patterned haori that fades to mint green then pink toward the cuff and hem.

"You are right kocho 7 is a big number for the survivors of the selection" A man with yellow hair that fades into orange at end shouted. He wore standard demon slayer uniform, he also wore a haori with a white-yellow gradient pattern and red flame-like ridges. "Can you tell us the name of our new slayers" The man spoke. His voice was so calm it can made anybody even the most fieriest in ease. "Caw-Caw there names are Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Kanao Tsuyuri, Tsuki Sakurazawa, Muichiro Tokito and Tanjiro Kamado." The crow informed the 9 Hashiras and the master about the survivors of the final selection. A white haired man with no eyebrows and many scar around his body eased up a bit hearing his brothers name Genya.

The two sisters also known as the Butterfly Sisters also had an huge smile of happiness and proudness hearing that there sister Kanao have survived the final selection. "Caw-Caw also almost all the demons in the final selection have been killed Caw- Caw" This information shocked almost all of them as this don't happen very often. "Almost all of them!" A muscular and FLAMEBOYANT looking man exclaimed. "Now that strike up curiosity, who killed the most demons in the final selection?" A short man who was on the tree asked. He had a snake around his neck and his mouth was covered with bandages seemingly hiding it.

"Caw-Caw Tanjiro Kamado and Muichiro Tokito have killed most demon in the final selection Caw-Caw Tanjiro has killed 37 demons, while Muichiro has killed 41 demons Caw-Caw" The crow answere the tree man on which he raised an eyebrow. "And the others" another woman with pink hair fading into lime green asked. She had green eyes and wore pink colour standard demon slayer uniform but her chest are was left unbuttoned. "Caw-Caw Tsuki has killed 28 demons, Kanao has killed 21, Zenitsu and Inosuke has killed 19 and 18 and Genya has killed 20 Demons Caw-Caw" The crow informed that about others kill count which made all the Hashiras impressed. "It seems like this time we have some good slayers who have the protentional of even becoming the next generation of Hashiras." The man said wondering about his thoughts.

"Master" A short woman waring the same butterfly kimono as the other woman called the man. She had purple hair and wore a blue version of the demon slayer corps uniform. "Yes" The man also known as the "Master" said. "Master, as we know the new year is approaching, and we are gonna throw a party at the butterfly mansion. So, what i was thinking that maybe we can call the new slayers for this new year party." The woman give a brilliant idea on which everybody agreed. "I don't mind" The master agreed as he sent his crow to all the new slayers inviting them for the new year party.

"So, if that's done lets continue with our Hashira Meeting" The master said as they continue with their meeting

With Tanjiro and Muichiro

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