Chapter 3 - Mia

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The walk to the school wasn't a long one. It took us not even ten minutes.

"So how did you sleep?" Zander asked.

"Eh I slept alright. Felt nice to finally have a somewhat comfortable bed."

In reality, I had slept amazing the night before. My bed was the most comfortable bed I'd ever slept in.

"That's good. Do you like your room?"

"Yes. I love how open it is. It's nice to not be cramped anymore," I answered.

Zander was trying to talk to me as much as he could so he could get to know me. He asked me all sorts of questions, like what my favorite color was, when my birthday was, and what my favorite things to do are.

"I like to draw, write, and sing. It was very boring in the orphanage so I needed to do something to distract me. So I would listen to music and learn how to sing them. It became my favorite thing over the years."

"Wow. I was meaning to ask you this earlier but I didn't wanna be rude," Zander started. "How long were you there..?"

"I'm not sure on the exact length of time I was there, but I was told I had been there since around my first birthday."

"Oh. I'm sorry, Mia. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"It's alright, Zander. I'm here now with a family that wants me. I couldn't be happier."

In no time at all, we had made it to the school. I had been so distracted by the conversation that I forgot where I was going for a second. We walked into the school building and Zander led me to the office so I could get my schedule and locker assignment.

I walked up to the receptionist's desk shyly and said, "Good morning. My name is Mia Evans. Today is my first day here."

The receptionist looked up and gave a small smile. "Good morning, Ms. Evans. I have your schedule and locker assignment in this folder here," she said as she handed the folder to me.

"Thank you," I said. Zander and I made our way through the halls to find my locker, and to our surprise, it was only three lockers down from Zander's.

"We have homeroom together so you can just follow me."

I answered with a simple, "Okay."

We made our way through the halls, with me practically on Zander's heels. We made it to our homeroom, and Zander walked inside, slightly leaving me behind. When I tried to catch up, I tripped. I was about to hit the floor when a pair of strong arms caught me. When I looked up, I was met with the most beautiful dark hazel eyes I had ever seen.

The Unwanted: A Second Chance RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora