Pt. 1 An Overdue Meeting

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It was about 3 am and I was still in my lab. I felt as though I was on track for a breakthrough. The cells I was studying were starting to multiply rapidly. If I could understand their mutations I could make regeneration a thing. It was amazing. This would be the highlight of my scientific career.

As I wrote notes I felt footsteps approaching my lab. This was strange. It's almost 4 in the morning and I am getting a visitor. Soon there was a knock on the door.

"Experimentation in progress!", I yelled as a response to the knock. Hopefully the person on the other side gets the hint.

A second passed before I heard the door break off it's hinges. Without thinking I shot webs to close the broken door.

"Still paranoid I see.", a voice from the door said.

That voice. I know that voice. It sent shivers down my spine. It belonged to Miguel, Spider-Man 2099.

"What are you doing here?", I asked with a snarl. I had spent so much time running from him I was sure he'd never find me.

"You aren't easy to find you know.", He let himself in and approached me, "I had to visit 100 Earths to find you."

"Did it occur that maybe I didn't want to be found?", I crossed my arms at him.

"I could never let you go.", he gave a smirk. A smirk of arrogance.

"So what do you want? Are you here to try and get me arrested again? Just so you know I have important scientific work to do. So I can't just leave.", I leaned against my desk staring at Miguel, watching his every move.

"Still not over that? I said I was sorry.", he gave a small shrug. Of course he didn't care.

"You made me face treason charges!", I yelled in disbelief over his nonchalant attitude.

"All the charges were dropped. I was just trying to do the right thing.", if looks could kill he would be dead.

"Yet despite being innocent I was exiled. My whole life was ruined. The people of earth saw me as a traitor!", He gave a sympathetic look for a second. Almost as if he realized his actions held consequences.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been working with Loki!", he snapped back, his words full of distaste.

"I wasn't working with him!", I yelled slamming a fist on my desk. I could feel the tears form in my eyes. Loki was a sore subject for me.

Miguel rolled his eyes at me. He approached me. I clenched my jaw as he came closer. My fist ready to strike if he dared touch me.

"Then tell me what you were doing with him.", his face inches from mine. This asshole thinks I'll break and admit to helping Loki with his invasion despite having no part in it. He just wants to be right.

I stared deeply into his eyes. I could feel the embers in my chest and eyes as I held back my anger.

"We we're dating.", I spat out. Miguel took a step back and lifted and eyebrow.

"That's disappointing.", he said turning away from me.

"Excuse me but what does that mean?", I couldn't believe he tracked me down to judge my dating history.

"Seems like you have bad taste in men.", He gave a laugh. The nerve of this guy.

"I do. That's why I agreed to let you take me on a date.", I lit a cigarette and took a drag making sure to blow the smoke out the window.

"Such a bad girl. When did you start smoking?", Miguel approached and took the cigarette from my lips and crushed the lit end. He towered over me and had his arms by my sides.

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