Pt. 6 Feral

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Y/N'S POV (some smut ahead)

Working in the lab was almost therapeutic. The one Miguel had easily was three times the size I had in Japan on my new Earth.

I was messing with the gizmo for a bit ( I was banging it against a table), to try and see if I could get it to work properly. The portals were rather glitchy you could say. There were some dimensions that were "labeled differently". For example I entered Earth-15 but I ended up in a world that was zombified. At least I could use magic to get me back to Earth-928 reliably.

"Loki, tell me everything you can gather about the earth we just visited.", I said to my AI.

Yes, my AI was of my ex boyfriend. I was rather lonely on my new earth so I kind of made my self company. I just haven't gotten around to changing his form.

"Of course darling. Gathering data now.", he said, "Ready to take notes?"

"Go ahead. I'm ready.", I said holding a pen and notebook.

"The "zombie" Earth is known as Earth-2149. A virus was spread via a book known as 'The Necronomicon'. It appears both the Spider-Man of that Earth and Avengers are afflicted with the virus.", He even pulled up photos for me to see.

"That's terrible. Thank you for the report.", I said looking at the pictures provided. I saw horrible things during my brief visit but these photos were by far more graphic.

"Anything for you my dear.", AI Loki responded. "Personally I'm bored exploring these Earths. Can we work on something else?

"What would you like to work on?", I asked my AI.

"Why don't we work on the pheromone spray? We haven't worked on that in a while.", Loki AI suggested.

"I suppose we can work on that. It has been quite a while. Do you mind pulling up the notes from the last trials?", I asked bringing out tubes, beakers, etc.

"Of course. Remember that concentrates 1-20% are only effective in attraction. If we wish to obtain mind control with the pheromones we will have to use a higher concentrate.", He kindly reminded me.

"Noted. Now I just need the spiders.", I was able to use a manifestation spell and get the spiders. I soon set up their little habitats and began working.

"Let's do increments of 10%. That way we save time.", Loki said.

"Smart thinking. I'll start working on the concentrates.", I said making my way to a lab table.

Since the last test run didn't result in mind control and only attraction I decided to start with a 30% concentrate. However when tested on a spider it resulted only in attraction with the spider immediately jumping on me. I decided to do multiple concentrates at once. I made a 40%, 50%, 60% and 70%.

I was able to test the 40% and 50% concentrate which only gave me same results. It just seemed to have a longer effect.

Before I could even test the other two I was interrupted.

"Loki can you record the results from the first 3 trials?", I asked my AI.

Before he could say anything I head the door to the lab opening.

"What is he doing here?", I heard Miguel's voice with a tone of anger.

"Relax. He's just an AI.", I said not looking up from my multiple solutions and formulas.

"Having your ex-boyfriend as your AI seems desperate.", He snarled. I looked up and narrowed my eyes.

"Lyla is literally based after a tattoo your ex-girlfriend had. You reek of desperation.", I said going back to my work.

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