Pt.4 A New Home

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We were back at HQ. Everything had been dealt with. The bad guy was back in his universe and all there was left to do was unwind.

"So, can I go home now?", I asked Miguel. I had been waiting for him to speak for the last ten minutes.

"Not yet.", he answered without even looking at me. "Plus I'm not traveling across those many dimensions again to get you."

"Well, where do I stay then?", I asked leaning against his desk. I let Jormund slither on my shoulders and then onto Miguel's desk. He tensed at the snake.

"My guest room.", still made no eye contact with me and continued to look through files. Why did I expect anything different? He would make things as difficult as possible for me.

"Why can't I just stay literally anywhere else?", I asked with a scoff.

"I already said it earlier, I'm not going to look again endlessly for the next four years for you.", he stared directly into my eyes.

Four years? That means he was looking the entire time I was gone. The second I left he must of started looking for me. He was looking for me before portal travel was as advanced. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. After Miguel had told the avengers I was sure he felt nothing but disappointment.

"Looks like Loki taught me what he knew best.", I tried to joke with him but all he did was give me a grumpy expression.

"Sorry. Not funny. But in all seriousness can we go "home"? I'm tired.", I laid on his office floor to show I was tired.

"Fine. Let's go.", he said in annoyance. He got up and I followed. We were the last ones to leave HQ. No other Spidey was even here.

"Do you always stay this late?", I asked as we made our way out the building.

"Work needs to get done.", He responded. Even just the two of us he was stoic.

"I thought Lyla helped with the workload. Also you can be less serious it's just us now. Stop acting so scary.",I gave him a poke on the cheek. I saw a smile try to break through.

"Says the girl who walks around with a giant fucking snake.", I gasped at him. Jormund is not scary. He's a baby and he helps protect me.

"He's not scary! He's a sweet little dude. He keeps me safe. That's why he bit you.". I gave Jormund a little chin scratch.

"Why did Loki even give you a snake?", he asked rolling his eyes.

"Is the problem that Loki gave it to me or that it's a snake?", I asked trying to see if I was right about the jealousy.


"Well once I decided I couldn't stay on my earth anymore and Loki was going to get imprisoned on Asgard he gave me Jormund so I'd have company. Also he's kind of like my guard dog. Just be happy he didn't give me a wolf.", I gave him a look of annoyance back. I try my best not to get upset at him for what he did but it's hard not to think about it when it gets brought up.

"I could have been there for you.", he muttered after a pause of silence.

"Let's not talk about it.", I said quietly. It was a quiet walk to his car. Neither of us knew what we wanted to say. Everything that happened those years ago was a touchy subject. I hated him for a bit after it all happened. I'm sure he hated me too.

"I'm sorry I left without telling you.", I said looking out the window not wanting to make eye contact.

"I should have spoken to you.", He said not looking at me either. "I understand why you left."

I think I just received an apology. I stayed quiet to kind of just soak in what he said. He then put a hand on my knee. I placed my hand on top of his to let him know I accepted his apology. The rest of the car ride was silent but comfortable.

"Here we are.", he broke the silence and started getting out of the car. Despite having been friends before I never saw where he lived. I now saw why.

Most Spider-People don't have money and are living accommodations are what you might call modest. Well Miguel seems to not be a part of that group. He brought us to a luxury apartment.

"You sure there's gonna be enough room for me?", I asked jokingly.

"You might have to sleep on the couch.", he responded with a playful smile.

"I knew you could still joke around.", I playfully gave him a punch.

"You brought a girl home finally! Let me set the mood.", Lyla popped up and began messing with the stuff in the apartment. Music began playing, the lights adjusted and fire place on.

"Hi Lyla.", I said laughing at all her modifications. Miguel was beet red.

"Y/N! You're staying with us? I should have known, Miguel has not shut up about you!", if it was possible Miguel turned even more red.

"Lyla change everything back.", was all he said.

"Not fair! The one time you bring a girl over and I can't help play with the settings.", Lyla pouted and then disappeared.

"She'll be fine.", Miguel dismissed. "Let me show you your room."

I followed behind him taking in all the decor around me. I thought his house would look more modern but he had a lot of ancient relics it looked like. Ancient pottery, mosaics, etc.

"Your room is directly across mine. So if you need anything I'm just right there.", he said opening the door to what I assumed was my room.

It was overwhelming how beautiful it was. There was so many plants and fairy lights. There was even a snake tree for Jormund! It honestly looked magical. I could see bookcases filled with books on magic. There was even a jumping spider tank.

"Miguel, this is just so beautiful. I'm sorry I gave you a hard time about living with you. I can't believe you did all this for me.", I just gave him the biggest embrace.

"Oh it's nothing, Lyla kind of set up everything.", he at first was tense from the hug but then wrapped his arms around me and giving a squeeze. As much as I hated to admit it, I missed him like crazy. He had helped me so much when I first got bit. It seemed like no matter what he was always trying to take care of me.

We broke the hug and he looked into my eyes with his hands on my shoulders.

"Welcome home mi nena."


Hope y'all like it! Sorry that the story is so slow burn but it will for sure pick up now that they're living together ;)

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