Pt. 2 The Return of Spider-Man

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"Ready to go?", I asked leaning against the door frame. I was now out of my lab clothes and into a black and olive green tank top and black shorts. My hair up in a spider claw clip.

Miguel looked at me with wide eyes before finally speaking. "Bit revealing. Where's the suit?"

"I don't have one anymore.", I said tossing my bag over my shoulder.

"You can't fight in what you're wearing. It's too revealing. Not protective enough!", he scolded me. He was just upset as he was the one who had helped me design it. I destroyed that red and blue cloth long ago.

"I can fight in anything.", I rolled my eyes at his nags. "Don't worry if I need to make one I will."

"I can't believe you destroyed your suit. I spent hours helping you design it.", he shook his head.

"Whatever. Let's just get going.", I wrapped Jormund around my upper half and walked through the portal. Miguel followed after me. The portal led to a city of Spider-People. I realized where I was. Spider Society.

"I see you expanded.", I said looking around at everyone and everything.

"I'm proud of it.", Miguel said with pride. I rolled my eyes not surprised that he felt his best while in charge.

We continued to walk around. I could feel myself being stared at. It could have been Jormund who made them stare or the fact that you were the only Spider-Man not in any red or blue.

Eventually Miguel took me to what I could only assume were the labs.

"I assume you want me to do work don't you?", I asked as he opened the door revealing all the equipment.

"Listen. There's been a lot of trouble in regards to crossing universes and keeping them together. Our watches don't work like they used to. We might need to turn to magical assistance and well that's why I need you.", He explained to me as he leaned against a wall. I furrowed my brow at him.

"So use the same magic that you called "traitor magic" in order to help you?", I asked full of malice. Miguel dared not say anything and just nodded.

"Alright. I can do that.", I said letting out a deep breath and allowing my body to untense.

"Thank you mi nena.", he gave me a flirty smile. The audacity of this man.

"I work alone.", I looked at him with no emotion. He scoffed at me.

"I want to spend time with you. It's been years and I missed you. But no, you don't want to even look at me.", he crossed his arms against his chest.

"Fine. You get an hour of quality time while I work.", I began to take out spell books and work on travel sorcery.

"I'll take it!"

Miguel's POV

I stared at Y/N as she practiced magic. Watching things randomly manifest in her hands was hypnotic. She was skilled there was no denying that. If she had been taught by anyone but Loki I wouldn't have gotten suspicious.

I can't believe she was dating that prick. All the time we spent together and she chose him! Well I did never directly tell her that I liked her but she should have know.

"Miguel come here.", she called without even looking up.

"Of course mi nena.". I walked over to her with confidence. Wanted her to see what she could have.

"I was able to create two portals. They both look different but if you go in one side you should be able to go out the other. I made it out of pure magic. I need to check if someone without magic powers can use it.", Of course she only wanted me for an experiment.

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