Reefer Rick.

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"I have found the girl of my dreams, but i can't get the courage to ask her out, meanwhile you go on a million dates, and you have no idea what you want."

I blow a bubble and hop off the counter. "That is true, you and i both know Steve is a whore though." Robin snorts. "Oh yeah? Still havent told me why you were in the Eddie the "freak" munsons van lastnight, hm?"

I completely ignore him and walk towards Robin. "Youll be fine really, you just need to find the right time." I smile at her. "Now, lets pick our morning movie."

Robin lights up. "Ah! i have just the one." Steve turns on the TV. "Breaking news! A body has been discovered in the trailer park of a hawkins high student, more information will be given shortly."

"Holy shit." I whisper under my breath. Dustin and max barge through the door. "You seeing this?" Steve says to them. "How many phones do you have." Dustin says with a serious face.

"Someone was just murdered." Steve continues. "How many phones do you have." Dustins voice gets higher. "Eh 2, why?" He says. "Eh, technically 3 if you count Keiths in the back." Dustin and max look at eachother. "Yeah 3 works."

"What are you doing." I say, blowing another bubble, nobody responds and Dustin throws his bag across the counter, i begin cursing.

"My tapes!" Steve says, "what are you doing man?" Dustin hops onto the computer. "Setting up base of operations." I move beside Dustin confused. "Base of operations?" Steve moves closer to Dustin too. "Hey what are you doing get off of that."

"I need it." "For what?" "For looking up Eddies friends phone numbers." I snap my head back towards Dustin. "What about eddie, is he eh ok?" Dustin turns to max with frustration. "Could you explain to them, please?" We all turn to max. "Explain what?"

"Hi eh have you heard from eddie in the past 24 hours?"


"Have you seen him in the past 24 hours?"



I hang up in frustration. "Prick." I mutter under my breath. "Guys, i think i might have a lead." Max says, I instantly turn my attention to her. "Seriously?" She continues.

"Yeah, apparently this guy reefer rick is the man that Eddie gets his drugs from and sometimes eddie crashes at his place." My face lights up slightly.

"That sounds promising, any idea where he lives?"  "Well you see, hes more of a legend than somebody you know." I frown. "I bet the cops know." Steve speaks up.

I glare at him. "I mean, if this guy is a drug dealer, surely hes gotten caught atleast once." I scoff at him. "The cops? seriously, you steve harrington think it would be smart to walk into the police station and ask what the last name of a drug dealer is? jesus and i thought i was the idiot."

"You think eddie is guilty, dont you?" Dustin says, everybody focus's carefully on Steve. "I dont know, its just the way things are looking right now, we can't assume hes innocent." I frown slightly. "I do hope
hes alright." "Yet on the other hand your assuming that he is guilty, so either way, everyone is going to assume something." Max says.

"Yeah and maybe if you weren't so busy all the time trying to find a girlfriend, we would be gettitng somewhere." I say, glaring at him. "Somebody has to attend the customers." He replies, waving his hands in the air.

"Thats it." Robin says. "If we narrow down the names of the people who have rentals here, we can find the address of our drug dealer and be on our way!" I rush over to Robin and pat her shoulder. "Knew you were a genius." I smile at her.

Mutlitple searches later

"Ah! A few cheechs and chongs movies, got to be our person, rick lipton." I browse through with her. "He lives by lovers lake, almost in the middle of nowhere." Max speaks up too. "Its a perfect place to hide."

We all get outside and hop into Steves car. "Im coming Eds." I look up and smile before getting into the car.

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