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We pull up outside. "Jesus, its more rough than i imagined." I said, peeping out the window.

We all get out and walk towards the house, flashlights in hands, Dustin begins ringing the doorbell, "You do realise if your on the run and somebody rings the doorbell of the house your hiding in, theyre not just going to run to the door and open it like its your family friendly home."

Dustin slaps me lightly. "Shut up." He whispers. "Okay well that settles it hes not here." Steve says after multiple calls. "Eddie! Its Dustin, we just want to talk, ok? no cops i swear, we just want to help." No reply.

"Eddie! Reefer rick?" I slap Dustin. "Would you stop screaming, hes not here." Max calls out from the distance. "Hey, guys?" We all walk towards her.

"Great, a shed, totally not creepy at all." I say, we all walk towards it and it opens up real easily, "Hello? anybody home?" Robin says, us all walking behind her.

We all walk around, theres a bunch of fishing equipment and old cans of junk. Steve finds an oar and begins poking this tarp, I turn around and whack Steve accidentally in the back of the head with the flashlight, "Jesus christ" I sigh. "Thats your problem, maybe dont scare the shit out of me the next time, yeah?" He rolls his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Dustin says, "He might be in there." Steve replies, continuing to hit the tarp with the oar. "Take the tarp off." Steve stops and turns towards Dustin.

"If your so brave you take the tarp off." He turns back towards the tarp and continues hitting it with the oar. "Hey, look over here." I say, Robin and max walk towards me. "Someone was here."

We all look at the empty cans and food packets before us. "Maybe he heard us, got spooked and ran." Robin says, "Dont worry, steve will get him with his oar." Dustin says sarcastically.

"You think your being funny henderson but considering the fact that everybody in this room has nearly died about 100 times, personally, i dont find it funny."

Suddenly, somebody hope from the tarp and grabs Steve, pinning him against the wall with a broken glass bottle. "Eddie." I say, he looks at me, his eyes full of fear yet they soften a bit when he looks at me.

"Woah woah woah, eddie! stop, eddie its me, dustin." He turns to look at all of us. "Remove the fucking glass bottle from my brothers throat." I say angrily.

"This is Steve, Elodies brother." He smiles at eddie. "Hes not going to hurt you, right Steve?" Eddie glares at him. "Yeah, right."

Eddie loosens his grip and sits down against the wall, i make my way towards him slowly and bend down beside him, placing my hand on his knee. "What happened eds?"

He looks at me, tears filling his eyes, i stare at him blankly not knowing what to do, Dustin gestures for me to give him a hug and so i do so, he engulfes me in a hug.

I feel sorry for him and wrap my arms around him, letting him sob into me.

"You wont believe me." He says to me. "Of course we will, try us. "Her body just like, floated there man, her bones, like snapped, and i didnt know what to do so i, i ran." My eyes softened and i pulled him closer to me.

"So like, you've been through this before?" We all nod after explaining everything to him. "Well, we will try get as much information as possible before morning, on if your name is public or not, kay?"

Eddie nods and everybody gets up to leave, as do i when Eddie grabs my waist and pulls me back down, "Please dont leave me Els, i need you." I smile softly at him, ruffling his hair. "Alright fine, ill stay." His face lightens up.

"Alright you can stay, but, no cuddling or any of that weird shit, alright? ill bring food and clothes for you tomorrow kid." I scoff and hug my brother and friends. "I love you els, stay safe." Steve says before getting into the car with the others.

We've sat in silence for probably about 5 minutes now, "Eh, im sorry for that little breakdown earlier, i just, i needed a hug from the person i care about the most, and that was you." He says, avoiding eye contact with me.

I smile at him. "Thats so sweet." I feel my cheeks get flustered and i move closer to him, he recognises that and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his lap, i feel akward like this but some part of me feels like this is right.

"Am i keeping you warm?." Eddie says as he chuckles. "Of course." I smile up at him. "Your so beautiful, you know that." He says to me, i hide my face, as its gone all red.

He chuckles and rests his chin on my head. "Goodnight love." I smile at those words, i somehow felt safe with him, he was a comfort to me i never knew i needed.

875 words

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