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Dominique had not seen Vanitas much over the past days leading from their deal.  It had made her quiet un-nerved in all honesty, but he needn't know that.  Making a deal with him almost felt as making one with the devil themselve. But she was not about to turn her back on the deal, after all she did want noé. Even if it meant watching Vanitas toy with him a little. Normally she would never dream of letting anything of the such happen to Noé but forgive her for being selfish once.


Jeanne had been with her master for a while and had not been out for a few days, which to her utmost delight, meant she didnt have to see Vanitas. That was until she had the luck to run into him in a local backery. How unfortunate.
Luckily she was able to conceal herself into a crowd of people which gave her funny looks, causing her to blush, but she was not going to move anytime soon. As the group tried moving, she moved with them, stepping left in right utterly in sync. Almost as though preforming a ballete, she had finally let the people through, all of them sighing in annoyance as she sat behind a large sofa.

As she watched the mans movements she realised he was with someone. She wondered to herself, who would possibly want to be seated near Vanitas? Whover it was must have been held against their own will. Or it was a date, hopefully a blind one, otherwise the other person must have been crazy to go on one whilst knowing him.

Jeane's curiosity was now piqued, as she heard Vanitas laugh and go slightly red due to comment the other made. Now she was really desperate to find out who the man was with. And was it really a date? Not that she was bothered much but it was slightly knawing at her to find out.


Vanitas and Noé were still talking even though an hour had passed. It had nearly made Vanitas forget he was only supposed to be like this when jeane was near. Mabey he just liked Noé's company, after all they were partners. Well "work partners".

As quick as vanitases thoughts came, they left and he was drawn back to noé's happy waffling. Wondering what would happen in the long term.


Attempting to move around the sofa to get a glimpse of who the other was proved to be a mission harder than expected, and became increasingly harder after a recognisae lady appeared behind her.

"Jeane! What are you doing here, lets sit down together we haven't met in a quiet a while since the first time, how are you you?"

All this was said by a rather exitable domi who was practically so happy she was levitating out of her seat. Jeane moved her mind away from vanitas for a moment to wonder what made domi so energetic?

" Hello Dominique, how are you?"
" awh cmon you dont have to be so formal with me jeane!"

She truly did question why she was so happy, they weren't on such friendly terms ever really so it was quite a shock, but not a bad one.


Sorry for long wait for udpate lolol and its short sorru😔🙏

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