BGF (Best Guy Friend) Adventures

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BGF Adventures

“Drowning in a Question"

I watched his soft curved lips speak softly as he answered Ms. Eisner’s question. I looked at him deeply, lingering on every word he had to say. I looked in front of me and I noticed my friend was also lingering on his words. I felt my mouth drop as I noticed his Latin cheekbones move up and down as he spoke and I was in a trance. My friend and I (Karman LeRay) both liked him and neither of us was fully okay with the other liking him. We just ignored the fact and continued the awkwardness in silent.

            As Bradley Grey ended the question with a smart remark, he looked back at me and Karman. I paid close attention to what he was going to say, I didn’t want to miss a word. “Hey can I ask you a question?” he said smiling. Karman and I looked at each other, and then looked at him, almost in sync we answered, “You just did”. We were drowning in an ocean of laughs even though it wasn’t that funny. Surprisingly I managed to reach the surface and revive our last comment, “Yeah, sure, anything”. He had an annoyed look on his face, but he still asked the question, “well, the other day I was playing football and I hurt myself”. Karman interrupted him with a question she thinks it is necessary to ask, “Where did you hurt yourself?” she giggled at her question but I didn’t think it was funny. There was an awkward silence just waiting to be filled. Bradley sighed and answered, “My tailbone”. Karman and I looked at each other and burst out laughing and soon feel back in the ocean. It seemed like there was no getting back to shore until the teacher made us quite down. Still we were trapped in laughter but with short gusts of air. “Allison, stop laughing it is a serious question”, Bradley said seriously. Him saying my name was like he was saving me from drowning. I swallowed and stopped laughing.

            “As I was saying”, Bradley started, “ I hurt my tailbone during football and it healed, but every time I sit for a while and stand up it starts to hurt again, why do you think that is?” he had an embarrassed smirk on his face like he was kidding but I have a feeling he wasn’t.  Karman and I laughed In his face. We couldn’t stop laughing, we were drowning again.

            It took a while until we settled down and reached the surface. Kamran looked at Bradley and started to giggle again but it wasn’t serious. I told her to hush up and I answered Bradley’s question, “Umm... maybe it isn’t healed all the way.” In some way, my answer sounded smart and sarcastic. There was a silence and this time laughter didn’t fill it. Bradley looked frustrated and he turned around to the other side as if he were mad. Karman and I looked at each other again and smiled. We looked at him and I wondered why Karman and I liked him, I guess he has this special charm. The bell rang and we were dismissed; I love seventh period.

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