BGF Adventures #10: Crazy Morning Before the Dance

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I never knew I would say these words but, "I hate Friday". Well, just this Friday in particular because today is the Sadie Hawkins dance. I don't even know if I want to go any more but I made a commitment to Teddy and I must go. But how fun can a dance be if neither of your friends are talking to you because you either betrayed them or broke their heart. I haven't even heard from Teddy. And the absolute worse thing about all this, I have NOTHING to wear!! I Might as well dig my grave right here.

Actually I don't wanna get out of bed at all today. My fluffy hello kitty pillow is all the friendship I need. I'm still sleepy anyway. Slowly, I was drifting back to sleep and just as I was about to doze of my mother came into my room with a dress, heels, and jewelry. The dress was a mint green color with a black middle piece that had a lace design. The bottom of it was layered and I had to admit it was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.

"Mom, you didn't have to do this I could've found something in my closet, thank you so much." I was so grateful to have a mom like her. "Oh sweetheart it was my pleasure, I love you baby".

"I love you too mom".

"Well I have to go cook breakfast be down in thirty minutes".

I smiled and nodded my head. As soon as she left I tackled my phone. Should I call Karman? She's my best friend at least I hope she still is. No, that's a bad idea I'll just wait until I go to school.

As soon as I started to put my phone down my phone started to ring. I crossed my fingers, please let it be Karman. I picked up my phone and closed my eyes before I could see who it was. I could feel the phone vibrating in my hand. I squinted one eye open and it was Bradley? What could he possibly want?

I debated wether to answer the phone or not. I really didn't want to because of what happened yesterday. I really don't know what to say to him after he told me he loved me. I gave up and decided to answer it. "Hello Bradley, what's up?"

" Ally, I need your help. I'm at this random person's house, I can't find Miley and I have this massive headache. Can you please ask your mom to come get me?" His voice sounded as if he was sick but yet it had a certain urgency to it. "My mom? What about your parents?" He murmured something I couldn't quite make out than he said, "because my parents would freak and your mom is cool, now will you help me or not?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there".


I hung up the phone and ran downstairs to the kitchen. "Mom Bradley is in trouble we need to go get him".

"Alright where is he?"

Dang it I forgot to ask the address! "ugh" I quickly called Bradley again.

"Hello, are you on your way?" he asked

"No, can you tell me the address?"

"Oh yeah, sorry I think the sign says Blackforest lane and the number on the house says 6546".

I suddenly realized something, "dude that's Karman's street."

"It is? Well it's definitely not her house."

"I'm on my way"

Soon enough me and my mom were in the car. "Just go to Karman's street", I told my mom. She nodded ok.

"So, what kind of trouble is Bradley in?" My mom asked.

"Well let's just say that he is just really confused about what happened last night"

"So a hangover? I remember the days," my mom laughed and sighed, her eyes looked like she was reminiscing on the past.

"Yeah, but I don't think Bradley knew he was drinking alcohol, I mean it's so unlike him."

"Maybe it was spiked. Children are pretty crazy these days".

"Yeah, your probably right".

"And we".

I got out the car to find Bradley. I looked for the house number 6546. I walked down the street. Everywhere there were red plastic cups. I even think I found some dried up puke on the ground, gross.

Suddenly I heard a moaning sound. I turned around and there he was. I ran up to him. He was sitting on the porch without a shirt on. I started to laugh at his skinny tan body with a slight six pack.

"It's not funny! I really don't know what happened last night".

"Someone must've spiked your drink or something dude, you look awful."

He started to laugh.

"Yeah, well I guess I don't have a good morning after look."

It stared at him for a bit and he stared back at me. So this is the guy that loves me? He doesn't look like much from where I'm standing.

"Come on Bradley my mom is waiting".

He got up and we walked back down the street in silence. There were some occasional glances but they weren't long ones.

"Allison, I want to thank you for coming to pick me up".

"It's no problem Bradley, that's what friends are for, right?"

I looked at him waiting for his response, but all he did was stare at the ground. When we made it to the car all there was complete silence between me and Bradley.

"Okay Brad do you want me to drop you off at home or do you want to come over and get yourself cleaned up so your parents won't see you like this?"

I looked at my mom, did she really ask Bradley if he wanted to come over? I mean what kind of mom is she, his parents are probably worried sick.

"Mom, I think Bradley would prefer to go home, right Bradley?"

He looked at me, and I saw a smirk on his face, he was thinking something devious.

"Actually," he started to say "I would prefer to go over your house, but if it isn't much trouble, will you please call my parents and tell them I'm with you?"

I let out a slight groan. Bradley notices and looks over my way. I give him a disgusted look. I do have to admit tho he was looking good without a shirt, his body was all shiny from his sweat, his skin was this soft Carmel color, I could've ate him up right there. What am I thinking?!  I quickly shook the thoughts from my head.

Ugh!!! This was going to be a long day....

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