BGF Adventures #5: Not-So-Much BFF

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It has been almost a week after Karman's Grandma died. Surprisingly, she came back to school as if nothing happen. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it, because all she did was talk about Bradley. It wasn't anything wrong with it actually I was happy that she is doing better.

I told her about Teddy, how he said yes to the me. " Double date," was all she could say. Even though she looked fine, I could feel the remorse and sadness oozing out of her as if it was over flowing. Yet, I didnt want to bring it up, I loved seeing her like this.

Today, was Monday, and our dance is on Friday. This week will be full of girls asking guys. Luckily, I got that out of the way. I met up with Karman in first period. We talked about going shopping together after school. "I'll pick you up on Wednesday?" I asked. She nodded her head fixated on something else. Tori Ren.

Tori was a blast from the past, Karman's former best friend, Bradley's ex- girlfriend. Recently, she had just came back from Vietnam. 'Studying abroad' she liked to call it. Tori was like a dream girl. Small waist, curved hips, butt and boobs just the right size. How could anyone compete with that? Her long culrly brown hair that went down to her butt, was perfect. She walked over to Karman and I.

"Vietnam was great, I learned that in Vietnam, I would be considered 16 not 15 because they count the time you have spent in your mom's stomach." she giggled . Personally, I didn't have a problem with her, it was Karman, that I was worried about.

" Tori, have you heard about the dance?" I asked trying to revive words in this dead conversation. Her eyes got big.

"Dance, There's going to be a dance? Tell me more"

"Well it's on Friday and it is a Sadie Hawkins dance."

Karman looked at me and hit my arm, probably telling me to be quiet, I ignored. " Who did you guys ask?" Tori wondered. That is when I finally realized that Tori won't like her not-so-much BFF to go on a date with her ex-BF.

" I'm going with Teddy," I said hastily, before Karman could say anything.

Tori nodded, " He is cute. How about you Karman?"

Here it goes the final blow. The words that will start everything and end everything the words, " I'm going with Bradley, I hope that's alright." Tori was in silence. All she did was nod her head and walked away. I knew that she was mad and I had a feeling Karman did too.

I looked over at Tori. She was probably planning revenge. Not just on Karman, on BOTH of us.

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