BGF Adventures #3: Well there's Good News...

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Karman has gotten her date to the dance and now it was my turn. So what was I waiting for?

It was fifth period, the only period I had with Teddy. My body filled with fear. I was scared of what he might say. Hesitantly I walked up to him, "Can I talk to you?" I murmured. All his friends scattered and left us alone, one even patted him on the back and said * good luck*.

We walked somewhere quietly and I could feel the tension. Finally, I spoke, "I knew you for a while now, and I was wondering if you would..." suddenly I stopped. It was as if the words couldn't come out of my mouth.

He gazed into my eyes with a confused expression, "would what?" he asked me. My face turned red and I swear I was about to explode. Negative thoughts filled into my head again and I was on the brink of dying or just fainting. My palms got sweaty, my knees became weak and just as if I thought I couldn't get enough I blurted out the words, "will you go to the dance with me?"

I closed my eyes and opened one to sneak a peak at his expression. His eyes were big and his mouth was open. By surprise he swooped me up and gave me a bear hug( no pun intended). He screamed out the words, " of course I will go to the dance with you!" he squeezed me tight and at that moment, I was happy. All my worries washed away. He said yes.

The other periods past and soon I was in 7th period. I was ready to tell Karman and Bradley the good news. Teddy said yes. When I walked into class Karman wasn't there. Instinctively, I got worried. Karman was never late to class. Bad thoughts filled in my head yet again. Quickly, i sat next to Bradley. "hey, have you seen Karman?" he shook his head no and shrugged. "I haven't seen her all day."

Now, I was really worried. Where could she be? The rest of the class period she didn't show up. It was just Bradley and I. The last bell rang and as soon as it did I got a text. It was from Karman. I read the text that said:I have some bad news, some really bad news.

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