BGF Adventures #14: What Happened That Night

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Bradley rushed to the car in a panic and I followed behind him. Honestly I'm still in shock. The message that Miley sent was so vague but clear enough to explain what's going on.

"My life is ruined." I heard Bradley exclaim as he hit the car. He put his hands over his eyes and started to sob. I've never seen him this way, so sad and so confused. My mind can't even imagine what he could be thinking right now. I walked over to him and I grabbed his hands away from his face and just held them. I knew that's what he needed. His eyes were red from the tears and It made me want to cry with him. But someone had to stay strong.

"Bradley," I heard myself start to say, "everything will work out. I promise." I gazed into his brown eyes. You could tell he didn't believe what I said, I don't even believe what I said.

"The worst thing about everything is." he sniffled trying to pull himself together, "I don't even remember what happened that night."

"Well she could be lying" I said giving him a shred of hope. "She obviously remembers everything that happened, maybe we should meet her somewhere so we can get the details." Bradley nodded his head, "yeah I'll message her".

"Tell her to meet us at IHOP since it's twenty four hours." I told him. He typed away and we waited for her response. About three minutes later we got a "okay" and we headed to the only IHOP in town.

We didn't talk the whole way there. He needed a moment to think and I completely understood that.

When we pulled up to the parking lot we saw Miley standing at the front entrance. She noticed us as well and when she did she immediately walked toward the car.

Bradley rolled down the windows to talk to her.

When Miley saw that I was in the car an immediate snarl appeared on her face. "What the hell is she doing here?" I could tell by the emphasis on the 'she' that Miley had a bone to pick with me. "I came for moral support, you can't just drop a bomb like that on someone and expect them to be emotionally stable." I said defending myself. Miley rolled her eyes at me. She is not the sweet innocent girl I thought her to be after all. Miley looked toward Bradley, "at least come in and buy me something to eat." Bradley nodded his head and he got out the car with me following behind him.

We got seated on a both, Bradley and I on one side and Miley on the other. A sweet blonde waitress comes and takes our drink orders, I get water and lemon like I always do.

"So Bradley, what did you want to talk to me about?" Bradley was fiddling with his fingers under the tabled but looked up when he was asked the question. In an almost to serious tone he says, "Tell me what happened at the party." Miley gulps and shifts in her seat. "What do you want to know?" she asks. "Everything, beginning, middle, end." Miley clears her throat and starts the story.

"Okay, in the beginning I picked you up in my car since yours, apparently was running out of gas. When we got to the party everything was normal, we partied, we danced and we drank, but you Bradley, drank a little too much." Bradley interrupts,"but I would never touch a drink in my life." Miley looks at Bradley and let's out a chuckle. "You sir are obviously to ignorant or stupid to notice when fruit punch is spiked." Bradley looks down in embarrassment. "Anyways", Miley continued,"Me being a little drunk but still able to tell what's going on and remember what happened in the morning did something I regret to this day."

"What was it?" I interrupted.

"Hold your horses eager pants, I'm getting to it. Okay, we decided to go upstairs to the bedroom because you said you felt weird and needed to lie down. When we got there I laid you on the bed and you started making advances towards me. I tried my best to deny you but I was a littles tipsy and my ambitions were kinda out there and long story short, we did the nasty." At that moment I felt a little awkward. Bradley thought for a while, "But why did you leave me all alone?" Miley sighed and replied, "because, after everything was over you told me you loved me but you called me Allison." Now I was feeling super uncomfortable. I guess during our conversation the waitress delivered our drinks and I took a long drink of my water, a long loud drink. "So I said I love you Allison?" Bradley asked. Miley nodded her head. Bradley turned to me but I looked away, trying to avoid this awkward situation. "Anything else?" Miley asked. "Yeah, are you sure?" Bradley said.

"About what"

"Are you sure that your pregnant isn't it to early to tell?"

"Yeah but I missed my period, I was supposed to get it the day after the party."

"Well then what are we going to do."

"I don't know Brad, I'm to young to have a kid."

Bradley nodded his head. Miley stood up, "I'll give you some time to think about all this." I watched as she walked out. Bradley doesn't nearly seem as sad as he did before. Maybe it is because he's deep in thought.

Bradley and I just lingered there and thought. We're both thinkers that what we do. I mainly thought about how sour this lemon was but also about what this means for Bradley and I and the relationship we have or had together. I was also hoping that he was thinking about it too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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