Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Daniel Taylor’s POV

                Grabbing hold of the hay bale, I lifted it up, and hauled it onto the back of the truck. Once that one was in, I went back to grab another one, and did the same thing. The eighty-five degree weather all around me and the blazing hot sun right above my head, making me sweat like a dog. And it’s only ten o’clock in the morning!

                To think I’ve been doing this for the past two weeks, and this week it finally decided to get hot. I mean this is Washington from crying out loud, it’s not supposed to get this hot and humid.

                Mr. Jones asked me at the wedding if I’d be willing to work for him this summer, since I was home from school. This summer I actually planned on lounging around the house, and just meeting up with friends who stayed in the town; I didn’t really plan on working. But then I decided, oh well, I could use the extra cash; so I said yes. However, at the time, the weather was normal, not too hot, but not too cold, just right. If I would’ve known then that the weather would get in the eighties and the nineties, I would’ve said no to the job right then and there.

                The only thing that’s been getting me through the week is the girl who I met at the wedding. Somewhere deep inside me, there’s a little ray of hope that’ll I see her, I doubt it’ll be at the farm, but it has to be somewhere in this town. I’ve driven around, and not once have I seen her in the little shops, or walking on main street, or at the town park; nowhere. It’s like she just disappeared.

                I’ll never forget when I first laid my eyes on her (oh dear God, I sound like such a sap!).

I looked across the room during the reception, and I saw her sitting at the bride and groom’s table, looking sad and bored, and pushing her food around with her fork. Just from looking at her from afar, I knew I wanted to meet her. I saw her pick up her cup, and I knew that she was going over to where the drinks were. I didn’t want to make it too weird to just walk up to her, and make a move, so I waited for the right time.

                I watched as she spilled the lemonade in her cup, and how she didn’t cuss. Even now, two weeks after our meeting, it still makes me smile. Then, when she looked up at me from hearing the sound of my voice, I was done for. Those big innocent brown eyes had me hooked. I knew then that I wanted to get to know her. Unfortunately, when we talked, she didn’t seem too pleased with who I hung out with in high school, or that I was considered the popular kid. This left me wondering if maybe she got burned by them, and that’s why she was so defensive with me.

                Well, she got to learn a lot about me, while she still remains a mystery to me. I don’t even know her name! All I know is that she went to high school around the time I went there, and that she’s the sister of the groom. Yet, she’s still been able to consume my every thought, and maybe even my heart. Which is actually saying something since I’m not all that keen on getting into another relationship. Since my last one ended in disaster.

                Picking up the wheel barrow, I began wheeling it out of the barn, having to go all the way down to the end past all the stalls and out into the blazing sun. Just as I was getting out the door, there was an unexpected little hole in the ground, just deep enough for the wheel of the barrow to get caught in it causing all the horse shit to spill onto the ground.

                Throwing my hat on the ground, I kicked the stuff in frustration. “Oh my god!” I cried out in frustration. “Dammit now, I’m going to have to pick this all up. Great. Just freaking fantastic!”

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