Season 5 Episode 9: The Real Ghostbusters

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Robin got off her bike and grabbed her shot gun as she walked up to the front of the small hotel. As she approached the door, she spotted the Winchesters talking to Chuck.

"You guys okay" she shouted?

They turned, and Becky stepped out from behind Sam, letting out a squeal as she ran to Robin, hugging her and pinning her arms down.

"What the actual fuck" she murmured?

"What are you doing here" Sam asked?

"I got a text from Chuck" she replied, still being squeezed by Becky. "Told me you guys were in trouble".

"Chuck has your number" Dean asked?

"Can I have my arms back" Robin said to Becky? "I'm holding a loaded gun".

"Sorry" she smiled as she finally released her. "I'm so glad you guys came, I'm so excited for you to see this".

Becky bounded up the stairs, looking back to make sure they followed her.

"I am so sorry about this guys" Chuck murmured.

"Not exactly your fault Becky took your phone Chuck" Robin shook her head.

"That's not why I'm apologizing" he shook his head in embarrassment.

When they walked through the door, a larger man in a leather jacket walked by, "Looking good, Dean" he chuckled.

"Do I know you" Dean asked?

"I'm Dean" he replied confused, "duh".

The three exchanged looks.

A blonde woman walked by and scoffed at Robin, "why does everyone make Robin look like a skank"?

"Excuse you" Robin snapped?

They looked around the room. They saw yellow eyes, people dressed like Bobby and Ash and merchandise with the impala or their warding tattoos on them.

"Becky" Sam asked? "What is this"?

"It's the first annual Supernatural convention" she squealed.

The three of them followed into a convention hall with over a hundred people dressed as something they killed, someone they loved, or them.
They stood at the back and watched everything unfold.

A man got on stage and welcomed the crowd before listing off the itinerary. "3:45 in the magnolia room, "Frightened little boy" the secret life of Dean. 4:30 The homoerotic subtext. 5:30 Robin; Sam or Dean, the great debate. The big hunt starts at 7 sharp".

"This is what hell was like right" Robin asked Dean?

Becky laughed and nudged her, Robin walked to the other side of the small group standing next to Dean.

"Frightened little boy" he huffed.

"That's okay" she snapped, "according to these people my entire identity revolves over which of you two I should sleep with".

"Right now" the man on the stage boomed through the mic, "I would like to introduce the man himself, Mr. Carver Edmund".

The crowd erupted in applause, while the three glared as Chuck took the stage.

"I guess questions" he shrugged awkwardly?

"Mr. Edmund" a man dressed as Sam asked, "how did you come up with Sam and Dean"?

Chuck looked to the boys, "they just came to me".

"Mr. Edmund" a blonde girl stood up, "why didn't Robin ever hook up with Dean? They obviously were made for each other".

Robin grimaced.

"Well, Robin is fiercely loyal, and Jo had feelings for Dean" Chuck replied.

A red head across the room stood up and shouted, "you're delusional. Opposites attract, Robin and Sam forever".

"Oh my god I hate this" Robin put her hands over her face. "Can I just go kill something"?

"At least there isn't a homoerotic session about you and your sibling" Dean hissed.

A man stood up dressed as the hook man

"Hook man" Becky squealed, "First appearance of Robin Singer"!

"Oh yes" Robin crossed her arms, "I didn't exist before that".

"How did Sam not know Ruby was evil" he asked? "It was obvious right"?

"Hey" Becky stormed up to him, "if you don't like the books don't read em".

"Okay, next question" Chuck instructed.

"In the last book, Dean goes to Hell, what happened next"?

"Well, thanks to an investor, you won't have to wait long for that answer" Chuck smiled. "We're publishing again.

"Fuck me" Dean snapped as the crowd went crazy.

Robin had crumpled on the floor, absolutely horrified, before she stood up. "Bar" she nodded, "I need to drink the entire bar". She turned and left the hall with the boys on her tail.

All three did a shot, before seeing Chuck take drinks over to a table for he and Becky.

The trio stomped over to confront him. "Chuck" Dean snapped, "in case you hadn't noticed, our plates are pretty full. Finding the colt hunting the devil. We don't have time for this crap".

"I didn't call you" Chuck defended.

"He means the books, Chuck" Sam snapped. "Why are you publishing more"?!

"Food and shelter" Chuck shrugged.

"Who gave you the rights to our lives" Dean asked in a low growl.

"An Arch Angel" Chuck nodded, "and I didn't want it".

"You sure have done well for yourself though haven't you" Robin asked? "I mean I'm a secondary character, and the Robin merch out there is staggering".

"I'm wearing the Robin body spray" Becky nodded excitedly.

Robin looked at Becky, clenched her jaw and looked back at Chuck.

"It's done okay" Sam snapped, "the books are done".

"Could you excuse us" Chuck asked Becky?

She nodded and walked away.

"Do you guys know what I do" Chuck asked?

"Yes, Chuck, we know" Dean nodded

"You mind telling me then" he replied? "I'm not a good writer, I have no marketable skills".

Suddenly a woman screamed and they all ran towards it.

"What happened" Sam asked the woman?

"I saw a ghost" she gasped.

All the cosplayers gathered around behind them and started asking questions.

"You wanna leave this to the professionals skippy" Robin snapped?

"Listen Robin" one of the Sam's said to her, "you can't talk to me like that. Not since you broke my heart after I kissed you".

Robin pursed her lips as Sam cringed.

"Gather around for a terrifying tale of terror" the woman continued.

Robin nodded and walked away, "Fuck this shit" she shouted!

The woman continued to tell them of Laticia Gore, a ghost who haunted the hotel.

Becky caught up with the trio, "the larping has started" she squealed.

"No shit" Robin snapped.

"What's larping" Dean asked?

"Live action role-playing" Robin nodded.

Both Winchesters looked at her stunned.

"What" she asked?

Becky handed Sam a piece of paper

"Dad's Journal" Sam read scowling, "dear Sam and Dean, this hotel is haunted. You must interview guests, hunt down witnesses, discover clues and find bones. First team to win gets a $50 gift card to the sizzler, love dad".

"Gee John, if we're good can we go for ice cream after" Robin rolled her eyes?

"You guys are so gonna win" Becky smiled.

"I need a drink" Dean shook his head.

"That's the only thing that has sounded even slightly appealing" Robin nodded.

She got her beer and slumped down on a chair away from everyone else.

"Great the slutty Robin" she heard from a chair nearby, she looked over and spotted the blonde from earlier.

"I guess so" Robin sighed as she took a swig of her beer.

"So which one" She asked?

"Which one what" Robin snapped?

"Which Winchester do you want Robin with" she snapped back?

"Jesus Christ" Robin shook her head, "why is this character's only value based off who she fucks"?

"Wait, you're not team Sam or Dean"?

"No" she shook her head, "I'm team Robin is a hunter in her own right, and doesn't need to hook up with a god damn Winchester" she snapped.

"Finally" the blonde laughed. "Robin is awesome on her own, she should have her own stories".

"Well that's refreshing".

"I'm Colleen" she nodded.

"Rob-" she paused , "Berta".

"Close" Colleen nodded.

"I guess so" she shrugged.

"I have a theory" Colleen nodded.

"Do tell".

"Robin is a witch".

Robin spit her beer.

"She appears quickly" Colleen explained, "heals quickly, and she freaked out when the guys went on about hating witches".

"Huh" Robin nodded.

"Either way" Colleen shrugged, "she's awesome".

"I'm not making this up" A boy walked by with a cut on his head.

"Nice to meet you Colleen" Robin nodded getting to her feet.

The guy called Sam a jerk and stormed off.

"What the hell was that" Robin asked?

"We might have a real case here" Sam nodded to her.

"Who were you talking to" Dean asked her?

"A Robin fan" She shrugged. "Could we"?

They made their way past the larpers talking to the individuals playing the part in the event and made their way to the front desk.

"Excuse me, do you have a few minutes to answer some questions" Dean asked the man at the desk?

"Sorry guys" he shook his head, "I don't have time to play star wars".

"Do I look like I have cinnamon buns on my head" Robin asked?

"Actually" Dean said as he slid a fifty across the desk, "we really want to talk to you".

The guy pocketed the note and nodded.

"The stories" Robin asked? "They legit"?

"We don't really advertise it" he shrugged, "but yeah. This place used to be called the Gore orphanage. Leticia Gore killed 4 boys, then herself in 1909".

"Tonight is the anniversary" Sam asked?

"I guess they wanted authenticity" he shrugged.

"And there have been sightings" Dean asked?

"Over the years, people have said they've seen the boys or Laticia" he nodded.

"And where did she kill the kids" Robin asked?

"You guys can't go stomping all over this hotel" he hissed.

Robin looked at Dean and nodded. He slid another fifty across the counter.

"The attic" he nodded, quietly.

"Thank you for your time" Robin winked as she headed for the attic.

"So we have actually ghosts" Sam sighed.

"Meanwhile we have a group of people dressed like us poking at it" Robin looked at the boys, "well mostly you".

"Serves them right" Dean huffed.

"Why" Robin scoffed? "They're part of a fandom, they don't know it's not real".

"Your tune has changed" Dean snapped.

"Oh don't get me wrong" Robin shook her head, "I'm hating every second of this. But it's not their fault they fell in love with what they believe is a fictional story. That's on Chuck for pimping us out".

"Well I don't think you're hating every second" Sam chuckled, "your chat with Jo back there seemed interesting".

"First, she's not Jo, she's me" Robin replied, "secondly she's the only one I've seen who gets my value isn't wrapped up in being the sidekick to the Winchesters, so fuck off".

"My mommy loves me" a voice came from the corner.

They spun around to see a little ghost boy sitting in the corner holding his head.

"I said my mommy loves me" he shouted again.

"I'm sure she does" Sam nodded.

"My mommy loves me this much" the ghost shouted pulling his hands off his head to reveal he was partially scalped, before disappearing.

"Ghost kids can be so damn creepy" Robin muttered.

Robin reached out to the historical society and was about to regroup with the guys again. As she walked back in Becky was looking at Sam longingly, positioning herself in what Robin assumed was her attempt at provocative poses.

"You done getting eye fucked Sammy" she asked?

"Is it weird I feel violated" he replied?

"Not at all" she shook her head, "I feel violated witnessing it".

"What do ya got" Dean asked?

"Well Gore didn't just kill four kids" Robin explained, "one was her son, and she scalped the kid".

"I'm cookin that bitch extra crispy" Dean growled.

"Look Sammy" Colleen pointed out to one of the other Larpers, "the cemetery, this is probably where her remains are".

"Hey Where'd you get that map" Dean asked?

"Grab at me like that again Dean, I'll knock you on your ass" Colleen hissed.

Robin laughed.

"This is a game pal" the Larper dressed as Dean snarled, "not charity".

"Give me the map" Dean snapped grabbing it from Colleen.

"Listen chuckles" the larper grabbed his plastic gun and pointed it at Dean.

"No you listen chuckles" Dean said pointing his real gun.

"DEAN" Robin snapped.

"What" he snarled, "they're annoying".

"Look guys" Sam explained, "wouldn't this go faster if we all worked together"?

"We get the gift card" The Dean larper replied.

"Fine" Robin rolled her eyes.

"And we get to be Sam, Dean and Robin" the one who was dressed like Sam.

"Who do you want us to be then" Robin asked?

"Bobby" they pointed to Dean.

"I can see it" Robin nodded.

"Rufus" they pointed to Sam.

"I don't think he's got it in him".

"Ellen" they pointed to Robin.

She clapped her hands, "oh this could be fun".

She walked over to the Winchester larpers and smacked them both upside the head. "You boys got nothin better to do than be a royal pain in my ass"?

Sam nodded, "not bad".

"Robin" Dean snapped.

"Yes" Colleen replied.

"I hate this" he muttered to himself.

"Come on Bobby" Robin smiled, "you cranky old ass".

As the group walked out to the cemetery, the "Winchesters" were quoting some of the more painful memories of Sam and Dean.

"You guys wanna know my theory on Robin" Colleen asked?

"Okay, that's enough" Dean snapped, "Robin is not some object to be used by Sam and Dean okay? Robin is an amazing hunter, and better person okay"? He then turned to the Winchesters, "and who the hell would want to be Sam and Dean? What's wrong with you"?

"We're fans" The Dean larper replied, "like you".

"I am not a fan" he shouted, "their lives suck. And how do you think they'd like being treated like circus freaks"?

"I don't think they'd care" he replied, "they're fictional characters".

"They care" Dean stormed off, "they care a lot".

"Dean" Robin called as she followed after him.

When he finally stopped he threw his flashlight against a rock.

"Easy big guy" Robin said to him.

"We're a fucking joke here Robin" he told her. "We're trying to save these assholes and they're mocking us".

"I get what you're saying," she nodded, "maybe to an extent they are. But some of them, idolize us. We're their heroes Dean".

"Who would choose this life" he asked her?

"They aren't choosing this life" she told him, "they're just escaping theirs for a little while, getting that feeling we get when we complete a case, and going back to the safety of their lives".

"When did you warm up to them" he asked her?

"About the time that Colleen told me how awesome Robin is in her own right" she nodded.

"Colleen might be the smartest one here" he nodded.

"Nah" Robin smiled, "I gotta agree with dumb and dumber over there. The Winchesters are my heroes".

Dean smiled at her. "You're killin me" he nodded as he looked away, "you know that"?

Her smiled faded, "we should get back".

When they rejoined the group they were looking around the graves.

"We found our ghosts" Sam explained.

"What are they doing" Robin asked?

"Isn't it obvious" Larping Dean asked? "We're looking for bones".

"Typically those are in the ground" Dean replied as he grabbed a shovel.

"Are you guys serious" Larping Dean asked?

"Deadly" Robin replied taking off her jacket and grabbing a shovel.

"Trust us" Sam nodded, "you wanna win right"?

After a while they finally hit wood in Laticia Gore's grave. They pried open the wooden box.

The boys cried out in fear, "that's not a plastic skeleton".

"No it is not" Dean nodded.

"The stories are true" Colleen gasped. "They're real and you're really..."?

"You good Colleen" Robin asked?

"I'm just, on a hunt with my hero" she shook her head. "When I was a kid and wore glasses and no one spoke to me in class, I always had Robin".

Sam and Dean exchanged looks.

"Well, Robin went through something similar" Robin smiled.

"I know, all of Sioux Falls thinks you're a slut" Colleen replied.

"Thanks Colleen" Robin nodded.

"But you're not" she added, "you don't sleep around. But you're assertive and know what you want".

"Okay good talk" Robin nodded awkwardly as she grabbed a box of salt.

Suddenly the ghost of Laticia Gore appeared. "Naughty, Naughty" she cried out, backhanding Sam.

Robin ran back to the grave and dumped a portion of salt on the bones before Dean dropped a lighter in burning the remains, and making Laticia disappear.

"Drinks" Robin asked the group before heading inside?

After everyone's nerves had calmed down, Robin and the Winchesters got to their feet.

"On us guys" Dean said sliding a bill across the bar.

Before they left, they spotted Chuck.

"Hey Chuck" Dean snapped, "good luck with the Supernatural books and screw you very much".

"Ps, If I ever hear the debate of which Winchester I should sleep with ever again" Robin cautioned, "I may be forced to cut your nuts off with a spoon".

They got to the front door, Robin tried to open it, but the door wouldn't budge. "Sammy" Robin murmured with a quizzical look on her face, "you wanna open this jar for me"?

Sam looked at her oddly but did as he was told. He tried to open the door, but he couldn't.

"Ok" Robin nodded, moving to a nearby window, unlocking it, and once again failing to open it." I'm gettin a hotel California vibe here guys".

"Something is keeping us in" Dean asked?

"This is bad" Sam whispered as the girl playing the ghost of Laticia Gore came running out of a room.

She ran into Dean and warned them, "don't go in there".

"Get downstairs" Dean barked, she took her orders to heart.

They walked into the library where they found the little ghost boy from earlier.

"Why did you send my mommy away" he asked them?

"Maybe the high and tight she gave you" Dean replied sarcastically, "you're welcome by the way".

"Mommy didn't do this to me" he told them before he disappeared.

"Shit" Robin hissed. "We should have dug up the boys".

"What" Dean asked surprised?

"Laticia Gore killed the other three" Robin nodded, "in retaliation for what they did to her son".

The guys rushed to the auditorium, where Dean ushered everyone in, and Sam gave Chuck instructions to keep the crowd in that room. Robin grabbed salt from the kitchen and was turning around when one of the boys appeared.

"Let's play" he smiled at her, brandishing a knife.

"Get bent you little shit" she hissed throwing a handful of salt at him, making him disappear. "I hate ghost kids" she snarled as she headed back to the auditorium.

"What took you so long" Dean asked her as they closed the door and formed a line of salt to seal them in?

"I ran into one of our little murderers" she nodded.

"You ok" he asked her?

"No Dean" she snapped, "he killed me".

"Oh you're funny" he snapped back.

Sam joined this, "ok we have them contained, now what"?

"We torch the right bones" Robin nodded.

"How" Sam asked? "They sealed us in. Our weapons are outside and the only one who was containing these kids is the one we did torch".

"Windows are still made of glass" Robin nodded. "We smash one out I could fit through".

"That could work" Sam nodded. "I'll keep trying to get the doors open. Get out help you with the graves. If you're solo, this will be a long night".

"I can help" Colleen nodded from behind her, "I can fit through the window too".

"We're in too" the Sam larper from earlier chimed in, "I could probably fit through the window too".

"This is too dangerous guys" Dean told them, "you wanna sit this out".

"We realize how bad this is" the Dean larper nodded, "we're terrified, but we have to help".

"Why" Dean asked?

"Because it's what Sam and Dean would do" he explained.

"And Robin" Colleen chimed in, "the real Robin".

The group left the auditorium. Dean set off to convince the actress playing Laticia Gore to continue her role. Laticia was the only one that that kept the ghosts in line. If they could trick them, maybe they could contain this.

Sam and Larper Dean were trying to pry open the front door.

Meanwhile Robin, Larper Sam and Colleen smashed out a window. Larper Sam had slid out when one of the ghosts appeared again, going for Robin. Before a word was said Colleen grabbed an iron poker from beside the fireplace and swiped it through the child making it disappear.

"If my theory is correct" she nodded, "that would have weakened you. You don't have your gloves on".

"Thanks" Robin replied as she motioned for Colleen to slide out the window.

When all three were out, they crossed the parking lot to the impala.

"Whoa" Larping Sam gasped, "you got an impala with the right plates and everything".

Colleen looked over, "Is that your motorcycle" she asked breathless?

"Yup" Robin nodded popping open the impala trunk and grabbing the shovels.

"Wow" Colleen smiled.

They made their way back to the cemetery, and began to dig. Finally, the larping Dean joined them.

"Where is Sammy" Robin asked?

"He had to go help the other Dean" he told her. "Kids had him cornered".

Robin got out of the grave, handed him her shovel, grabbed her gloves and ran back to the hotel.

She jumped back through the window, grabbed the poker Colleen had used earlier. She got into the room with the guys. Both were on the floor, pinned by the kids. Two of them had Sam pinned and were going for his scalp with knife. "Hey kids" she called out as she readied the poker, "I thought you wanted to play with me".

One of the three kids lunged at Robin, swiping his knife at her stomach. She jumped back dodging the attack. She swung the poker, missing. The kid waved his hand sliding a chair over and pinning her to the wall. The child climbed up the chair and grabbed a fistful of Robin's hair.

Sam had broken free from the grip of the one kid and was running to help Robin. "Sam behind you" she shouted in time for the other kid to swipe at his leg, cutting him.

In an instant all three boys burst into flames and disappeared.

Robin pushed the chair away and rushed to Sam, "are you okay" she asked?

"Just a surface wound" he nodded, "I'll be fine".

Robin nodded and rushed to Dean's aid pulling him off the floor.

"So those three pulled it off" he nodded.

"Good thing" Robin nodded, "we were fucked".

The next morning everyone was saying their goodbyes.

"Those two don't believe you're the real deal" Colleen smiled, "but I think you might have to be".

"Colleen, that theory of yours" Robin started, "hypothetically speaking, let's say I'm Robin, let's say you're right. What would happen to me if your theory got out"?

Colleen's smile faded and the colour drained from her face. "Robin, I'm so sorry" she whispered, "I'll never mention it again".

"Leveese" Robin whispered lifting her bag to her hands, about two feet off the ground. "Good" Robin winked as she walked away.

Robin joined Dean by the impala, he was smiling to himself. "You were right" he nodded.

"About what" she asked?

"Once you drop the merchandise and the gimmicks" he explained, "these people think of us as heroes. We never get a thank you in this job, it might be the closest we get".

"Very true" she nodded.

Sam came over to join them with excitement, "guys, I got a lead on the colt"!

"What" Robin gasped?

"Turns out when Bella was trying to make a deal to live longer than her ten years, she didn't give the colt to Lilith".

"So who has it" Dean asked?

"A Demon named Crowley" Sam explained. He looked to Robin, "if we want to get close to him, you might want to take the blonde wig out of retirement. He's got a thing for blondes".

"This ain't some vamp in a seedy club" Robin nodded as she pulled out her phone. "I've heard of Crowley. Remember me talking about the king of the crossroads? This is him. We need a real pretty blonde. Not a roughed-up brunette in a wig". She put her phone to her ear. "Hey Jo, need you on a case".

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