Season 8 Episode 7: A Little Slice of Kevin

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*Trigger warning. Talk of Suicide*

They knew. They both now knew Robin had been tortured for two months by Hells best and brightest. It was what she expected from Sam. Walking on eggshells and looks of pity. She didn't expect him to ask her to talk about it, not this time. Sam wasn't chatty about his own time in the torture hot seat, though his was with the big kahuna.

As for Dean, he'd clammed up. Kept quiet and even a little distant in some respects. He was affectionate, he'd quickly kiss her, or attempt to show her comfort, but that was as far as it went. It had been very dry for a while, longer than they'd ever gone when they were together.

They'd been staying at the cabin and warded the crap out of it. Dean had gone to town for supplies, while Sam looked for a case for them. Robin was just getting out of the shower when he walked in. She came into the main living area in her towel. She figured it was a desperate attempt to get Dean's attention, but she was at the point of desperation. Sam started to explain a case he found. She noticed Dean checking her out, finally some potential for some action.

Little boy went missing from a daycare center. What made it their thing is there was a freak tornado that lasted only minutes, the minutes being the time the little boy disappeared.

"So, we're thinking demons" Robin asked?

"Why don't you go get dressed babe" Dean told her. "Just keep the door open so you can still hear."

Swing and a miss.

She huffed but walked into the room to do what was asked of her. Was he afraid of breaking her or something?

"The kid isn't the only one" Sam continued. "Guy in New Mexico, disappeared as the earth cracked open. There are a bunch like this. All major."

"Connection" Robin called from the room?

"Well that's just it" Sam called back. "I can't see one. The demographics are all over the map."

She walked back out pulling her shirt down over her head. "So we check out this kid, hope we can find something and get ahead of it?"

"Best shot we got" Sam shrugged to her.

When they got to the town where the little boy went missing, the Winchesters went to question the worker who was with him when he disappeared, while Robin got them set in their motel room. Considering the track record as of late, she didn't bother to book two. This came to their attention when they returned.

"One room" Dean asked?

"Yup" she replied as though it was completely normal for them. "I'm gonna hit the showers and call it a night? Get going early tomorrow?"

"Yeah" Sam nodded. "No problem."

Dean said nothing as she gathered her things and headed into the bathroom. When she came out, she was dressed for bed. The lights were already out, the room was illuminated by the gentle glow of Dean's laptop. Sam was snoring away. Robin pulled up the blankets on one side of the bed and crawled in. She realized he was looking at her as she laid her head down on the pillow.

He started to gently rub her back. "Good night" he whispered, lulling her to sleep.

Somewhere in the night she heard the clicking sound of his laptop closing and felt him shift off the bed. She opened her eyes and saw him slowly walking towards the window. She slowly sat up as his feet silently shuffled along the cheap motel carpet. She got to her feet; he turned slightly taking note of her movements, but his eyes never left the window. Regardless of her quiet steps towards the older Winchester, she woke Sam in her movements.

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