Season 7 Episode 5: Shut Up Dr.Phil

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*Bonus Post, Hit 900 Views" 

With nothing on the Leviathan front, the trio continued to work cases. Robin had found a local kickboxing gym and had just come back from a workout when she walked into the room where Dean was pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"Breakfast of champions" Robin nodded as she walked over to the sink and got a glass of water.

"What is it with you two lately" Dean snapped at her? "You're working out, comin in here, sweaty and smelling".

"Do I smell that bad" she asked suddenly self-conscious? "I've hunted with you for years; you've seen me sweaty before. Must be the leggings throwing you off" she grinned, waiting for some reaction.

"The leggings" he nodded, "I like the leggings. What I don't like is being lectured for doing what I have always done, and suddenly, you two are judging me from your health kick".

"Well," Robin nodded, "I'll have you know as long as you have known me, I have participated in some form of self defense or another. It's why I can kick both of your asses".

"Oh, you can kick my ass" he asked her as he sat down at his laptop with his whiskey?

"Not a doubt in my mind" she shook her head as she walked away. He came up behind her and put her in an arm lock, and she flipped him over on his back on one of the beds. "Cute Winchester. Now if you'll excuse me, I need a shower".

"You won because I couldn't get a grip on you" he shouted, "Too sweaty".

Robin got in the shower and cleaned herself off. When she came out Dean lunged at her and tackled her to the ground pinning her. "Really" she looked at him?

"Really" he nodded.

She pulled up her knee and was about to shove him off when he dropped all of his weight on her and pinned her further.

This was just about the time that Sam walked in. "Uh guys" he asked? "Am I interrupting something"?

"Robin thinks she can kick my ass" Dean told him.

"Aw" she laughed, "And here I thought this was foreplay".

"Sam, get out" Dean snapped.

"Sam" Robin smiled, "Get your brother off of me".

Dean started to crawl off of Robin and back to his computer, "I have a case" he announced. "You ever heard of a town called Prosperity, Indiana"?

"Has anybody" Sam scoffed?

"Two of their fine citizens died over the past two weeks" Dean explained." This one chick roasted underneath one of those beehive hair dryers at the hair salon. And this other guy boiled in a hot tub".

"Well, that's worth a trip" Robin said as she looked over Dean's shoulder at the laptop.

"Most cases like this, you know what it generally is right" Dean asked rhetorically? "Witches. These freaky things they do, and I'm not talking fun freaky. Gross sacrificial, bodily fluids".

"Come on Dean, not all witches are gross like that" Sam attempted to defend and spare Robin's feelings.

"Really" Dean asked? "You ever met one"?

"Yeah, I have" Sam nodded?

"When" Dean asked?

"I don't know" Sam shrugged, "Somewhere along the line I'm sure".

"Nope" Dean shook his head, "Not buyin it".

When the three of them pulled into town, Robin got a separate room from the boys. If this was in fact a witch case, she felt safer in her own room, even with Sammy knowing the truth.

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