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Y/n's pov

I was staring at the sheet of the math the kids Tenko is learning now a days. The first question was; Johnny bough ten apples, he gave four apples to his friend Jimmy, How many apples does Johnny have left?

"Alright this one is easy", I said clearing my throat as I placed the paper in front of Tenko. I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair waiting for him to finish. Tenko just stared at it for a good minute before looking up at me.

"What", I asked. "I don't understand it", he mumbled. "Okay", I sighed dragging the paper towards me.

"Johnny has ten apples okay", I said. "He gave four of them to his friend, Jimmy so how many does Johnny have now", I asked. Tenko just stared at me.

"How many kid", I asked.

"Ten apples", Tenko questioned. "Yeah but he gave four of them away so how many does she have now", I asked.

"Five", he answered. "No. He gave four away, ten minus four what does that make", I asked. Tenko began thinking of an answer.

"Six?", he answered. "That's right now next question", I replied.

"Minnie has fifteen apples okay", I read which he nodded his head to. "She gives ten of those apples to Jimmy, how many does Minnie have now", I asked.

"Eleven", he answered proudly. "No. Fifteen minus ten is what Tenko", I asked. Tenko thought about it, look of hesitance on his face.

"What is the answer Tenko", I repeated more sternly. "It's easy. Fifteen take away ten is what", I asked starting to get frustrated.

"...Twelve", he questioned. I let out an annoyed sigh and slumped back in my chair. I placed a hand over my eyes rubbing my face. I forget how idiotic kids are.

"Thirteen", he answered quickly in hopes of getting it right.

"I'm making a phone call", I stated getting up and leaving the room

"That's correct!", Micheal exclaimed to Tenko.

I called him in to teach Tenko this stuff; He had to be useful in something like this if I kept him in my life. I never had homework help from parents. I don't even know who they or if I had any. The only thing close to be consider homework help was team training back when I a kid. I would fight with a combat scientist against three others. I had to learn what teamwork was.

"Go by your mom while I check these okay", Micheal smiled at Tenko. Tenko nodded hi head before getting out of his chair and coming by me.

I lowered the mug I was sipping and placed it on the counter. Tenko stood beside me as I ate a bowel of carrots.

"Y/n", Tenko called causing me to look down at him. "What", I asked my mouth filled with tiny carrots.

"Does he have a quirk", he asked. "Him", I asked nodding my head towards Micheal. "Yeah", Tenko replied nodding his head. "Mhm", I answered walking from around the counter. I picked up my shield that was leaning against the wall gripping the end of it.

I lift it like you would hold a frissbee then launched right at Micheal. Micheal heard the sharp shield cutting through the wind and the noise getting louder by the second. He looked right at my shield as it flew right for him, I aimed for his neck.

"AH", he shouted before his body quickly sucked into a small hole before disappearing. My shield imbedded itself into the wall.

Micheal reappeared in front of my front door. He had an alarm look on his face, but soon as he realized he was safe he looked at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK", he shouted at me as I laughed while making my way towards my shield.

"Calm down was just showing the kid your talent", I laughed ripping my shield out of the wall. "You could've killed me", he panted coming down his adrenaline rush.

"But you dodged it in time so you're fine", I stated putting my shield on my back. Micheal just sat down in the nearest chair, rubbing his knees nervously.

My phone began ringing causing me to pull it out. That bastard was calling me again.

"Look I gotta take this", I sighed. "Watch Tenko", I told Michael while pointing a finger at him then I moved to aim my finger at Tenko.

"Don't kill him", I told before heading into an another room

Once Y/n went into her bed room with he door closing behind her Tenko went to go watch tv. Once Micheal calmed down after what happened he went to join Tenko.

Tenko turned the tv and sat down on the rug in front of the tv. Micheal sat on the couch behind him. Tenko was watching one of All Might cartoons.

"Oh you like these", Micheal commented. "Don't let your mom see", he joked. Tenko just looked at him before focusing back on the tv. Micheal let out a sigh failing to fight the question that was itching to come out of his mouth.

"Hey uh can I ask you a question..", Micheal asked. Tenko turned his head around a bit to be able to look at Micheal.

"..Yeah", he answered. "Is she good. You know at being a mom", Micheal asked. Tenko stared ta him before looking down at the ground. Y/n being compared to his birth mom, Y/n isn't doing such a good job. Neither did his real mom.

"Kind of", Tenko answered.

"..Good", Micheal replied nodding his head a bit. "You know to be honest your mom is a jerk", Micheal admitted leaning close in hopes Y/n didn't hear. "..But she has a heart of gold its just deep in there somewhere through all that mean stuff...and the heart may be tiny...very tiny but its gold", Micheal explained smiling at Tenko who turned around to be able to face him.

"Are you a hero", Tenko questioned. "Yeah! Used to be", Micheal beamed tubing the back of his neck. "I was called Blipster", he stated. "I never heard of you", Tenko replied. "I'm a hero from America that's probably why", he explained. "Was Y/n a hero from America too", Tenko questioned.

Micheal went to answer, but soon went against it. He licked his lips nervously then smiled at Tenko.

"B-Best to ask your mom that", he replied.

Soon as he said that Y/n's hand latched onto his shoulder tightly causing him to jump.

"What are you two losers talking about", she asked.

"We we were talking about my hero name", Micheal answered causing her to let out a scoff.

"That shitty name. Bitchster", she chuckled. "Blipster", Micheal corrected breaking free from her grip. "Same thing", Y/n sighed walking around the couch to sit next to Micheal who immediately tensed up.

Tenko took notice of it, but didn't question it. He focused back on his cartoon, but he was wondering how can someone like Y/n be a hero.


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