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June 2023.

Second year of college was two months away. The quiet afternoon let her down, as not much happened today. She needed excitement. Josielyn Maghanay, A.K.A Sprint.

One year ago, she came in contact with a lightning bolt --- that granted her communication with the speed force, and abilities.

After that. It took her a while to figure it out. She studied what had happened. Her powers, how to use them and whatnot. She couldn't share the burden of her secret with anyone else. That being the chase. Otherwise, they'd obviously be put at risk. She was an island. 

Once the speed force showed itself to her, and explained to her the impossible reaches of her capabilities. Without it, her powers would prove to be destructive not only to the people around her but to herself also. The spirit of the speed force had to be there.

A.R.G.U.S. This vast organization that specializes in taking down the abnormal, helped her find her footing. She came up with her alter ego, and with the help of ARGUS, she neutralized various threats, and prevented a multitude of natural disasters.

As of now, things were quaint. But she was bored. She was at an abandoned airstrip. In the outskirts of Missouri. Stretching out in her speedster outfit. It was made of materials that could sustain the speeds she was going, and prevented any damage whatsoever.

"A.R.G.U.S won't mind if I do this, won't they?" She said, stretching her arms.

Then raised a brow. "Who am I kidding? They got their eyes all over the world."

"They're probably watching me do it as I speak."

"Is this unlocked by a physical emotional reaction? Haven't tested. There has not been a day where I felt like running in a straight line. I could've hurt somebody, seriously." She took down notes, on a notebook that she'd later have to leave on this empty airstrip.

"Has this been done before? No records. Since I'm the only speedster in existence, that'd make me the first." She said.

"Unless the multiverse is real, and there might even be a speedster society out there? Who knows? Endless possibilities."

The breeze swept, as she broke the ice. Between her and this whole decision.

"I know this might be dangerous. I know I might simply vanish and become reduced to null, if I manage to break through my universe's barriers."

"But hey." She looked around, knew there was no one. But had to anyway, for herself.

"This is how discoveries are always made." She got ready, lowering herself and into a running pose.

Then she started. The speedster dug her feet into the ground, she sprinted across the airstrip's runway at such immense speeds. The wind blew into her eyes and ears. She transformed into a beam of light. Flashes flew through her mind as she ran. For better or worse, they were to remind her of where she really came from.

Groundbreaking, she was speeding beyond the limits of her universe. A game-changing discovery she must not unveil to the public, unfortunately enough. But that was for the better.

She kept running, everything was loud. Everything blew into her senses. As she zoomed, light, sound, everything. Sprinted across this little board, until she vanished into thin air.

And then the airstrip was quiet.

On the flip side, she was vibrating through the multiverse. Nothing could stop her now.
Aside from the voices of strangers she heard as she ventured thoroughly through the voids. These came into her mind without any warnings. No different from nasty bugs that crash into windshields.

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