Here Comes The World

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Mt. Olympus.

Atop the quiet, peaceful remaining place of ancestors --- stood Wonder Woman. 
Where Billy Batson AKA Shazam was initially buried and first presumed dead. She stood solemnly over the cliff, staring down upon the view of the clouds and Earth itself.

"What troubles you, Princess Diana of Themyscira?" The wizard Shazam --- his real name being Mamaragan, appeared. In a now-modern formal get-up. With his staff, he approached from behind and stood beside her to join the sight-seeing.

"It's this piece of the past." Diana said.

"I was too busy fighting for others, that I forgot about my own heritage."
  "The daughters of Atlas coming to exact revenge?" She said.

"Better late than never." Mamaragan said. "Besides, my champion held his own against them."

"Billy Batson?" Diana looked away. "He is just a . . . boy."

"I know. But this is his destiny. There's a reason he was chosen. We need people like him, in a world like this. More than ever." He said.

"And mind if I ask where you have been all this time?" he asked Diana.

She grinned. "I was venturing off with friends, and sometimes on my own --- to other worlds." 

Abruptly, the clouds around Mt. Olympus vanished. Light went out. The sky darkened, emptiness overwhelmed the entire planet.

Wonder Woman and the Wizard looked up, alarmed.

Then appeared the JUDGE. The same cosmic skull who threatens. This earlier, and from Diana's point of view.

"What is this?" Diana said, concerned. As well as Mamaragan.

"Your world is broken."
"This is a broken universe. Incorrect. Divided. Uwanted."

"What is the meaning of this . . . ?" Mamaragan said.

"You have seven days before judgment!"

Then it vanished. 
The skies returned, as the clouds around this mountain, and so did the blue sky.

Worried, Diana gazed at the wizard. "Something is coming." she said.

Earlier. The same time.

In a broken-down building, Harley broke down the door of an abandoned apartment. Accompanied by her favourite pickpocket accomplice Cassandra Cain.

"Question, Harley. Where are we?" Cassie asked.

"My old apartment." Harley excitingly said. "Haven't gone to this place in ages since I became a saner person."

"Saner?" Cassandra tilted her head.

She rummaged through the dusty --- cobwedded home that was once hers. Making her way into an old couch, under its seat was some magazine. 

"Nothin' here!" Harley threw the magazine away.

"Wouldn't you have like --- a whole shelf to go through around here?" Cassie asked.

"Workin' on it!" Harley breached her old bedroom.

Then there was a shelf. She started rummaging through this one.
"Nothin' but my old books. Not like I need 'em anymore." One-by-one, books piled up around the room as Harley searched for things she wanted to keep.

"Uh-huh." Cassandra picked up a psychology book.

And then finally, Harley found this old notebook that looked like it belonged to a twelve-year-old. Rough red, and was covered with stickers of any kind top and bottom.

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