Justice League / To Live By Vengeance

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She rested against a chair, contemplating. "Just to be clear here. I'm not entirely sure how this speedster, missing-speedster-multiverse thing works. You know how it is." She said to Victor.

"We can only assume the multiverse works in mysterious ways." Victor said.

"When Barry experimented with it, you know what he told me about the universe that he managed to break through?"
  "Turns out it was getting wiped out." Victor said.

"A dead universe?" She asked.

"Not sure. But he saw that it was as if a multitude of universes were wiped out, then were brought back after some time. Luckily, our universe was left untouched." He said.

"Mysterious ways sounds about right." Jazzlyn said as she stood up from her seat. Still in her superhero suit after all this time.
  "I've been at this for a year. I already said that but--"

"I get it. Are you proud of how far you've come?" Victor asked.

"I guess so. So far." Jazzlyn smiled with the right amount of glee. "But sometimes . . . Weird feelings just come by so suddenly and pull me down. But then I remind myself of the good things I have and just --- continue helping people."
  "The things I love the most, even the littlest moments." It was time to tell one of her stories.

"I was in Sprint get-up. There was this mother and her daughter. I was having a bad day, you see? So I asked the mom 'what do you want from me?' disrespectfully. I was lucky she wasn't too much of a hothead."
  "She said little Princess wanted me to be there beside her for her blood test." She smiled at the thought.

  "Kid was so afraid of the needle, she held my arm. I let her hold onto me as tight as she wanted. Then at the end of the test, she was the happiest little kid in the world.." 

Josie smiled warmly at the thought, as she looked up. Her eyes began to shine, from near-tears.
"She wanted this superhero by her side." she paused, as she looked down. Also frantically clasped her hands.
  "Kid must've . . . watched me on TV."

"I just like these things, you know. Being there for someone. Especially kids? It's part of why I love being Sprint." She said. "When they're scared . . . and they just need someone to back them up?"
"Moments like that personally mean more to me, than maybe punching --- a superterrorist or giant monster off the face of the planet." She said.

Victor slowly smiled at how she was as a person. "Glad to hear. We heroes got to watch eachother's back too, don't forget." He said. "And at the same time. Look out for the little guy."

"Always." Sprint smiled at Victor. "Speaking of . . . heroes. It's time I started doing some research. Get to know all of you." She approached the batcomputer, main one.

Pointing to it. She needed permission. "Can I use . . . this?" She said.

"Sure. Go ahead. We trust you. I'll guide you through the . . . files and infographics." Victor told her, as she sat on Batman's computer chair, he stood beside her as they looked up at the huge screen of the batcomputer.

She dragged the very futuristic cursor across the screen, and pulled up a file on Wonder Woman.

"Wonder Woman. Nice name. W.W." She said.

"Diana of Themyscira. Or as we call her: Diana Prince." Victor said.

"Darn. She's old." Josie said. "Look at this." Checking the fact she's been around since the first world war.

Reading up on her amazonian origin. Diana Prince was conceived via Zeus' lightning bolt, bringing life to a lump of clay --- formed by her mother the queen; Hippolyta.

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