Nappy changing

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Ironman/Tony Stark:

Tony sat next to Pepper on their couch a glass of champagne in their hands, he inched closer and closer to her. The blonde woman eyed him wearily "fine" she sighed. Tony grinned taking the glassed of champagne and putting them on the table.

As he was just about to pounce the woman his robot butler decided to speak up "Sir, (Y/N) is crying" Tony sighed exasperated. Pulling away with a deep frown he looked up and Pepper "I'll be right back" running over to the baby room he picked up the sobbing child.

And awful smell hit the man's nose "um...Pepper!" he called "nope!" the woman yelled back. Then a door slammed "Jarvis?" "she's gone sir" Tony cursed under his breath carrying his (daughter/son) towards the bathroom where he could change their nappy.

Currently he was figuring out how to undo the nappy "come on sir, you can figure out how to build a nuclear bomb and yet you can't change a nappy?" Jarvis taunted "shut up!"

Captain America/Steve Rogers:

Steve stared in despair at the crying baby in front of him, (his/her) nappy undone and thrown away but now, now he was confused. 'Which went first the baby oil of the powder? Oil or powder? How do you put a nappy on again? Again what am I talking about? I never learnt in the first place' Steve thought to himself.

Lifting the child up he grabbed a baby wipe doing what was necessary which I don't really think should be put into detail. Deciding to just wing it, Steve applied the baby oil first and then the powder before sliding the new nappy under the baby.

Lifting the front up, Steve covered (Y/N)'s private parts before reaching towards one side sticking down the Velcro and doing the same with the other side. (Y/N) let out a happy squeal and Steve let out a breath of relief.

The Hulk/Dr. Bruce Banner:

As Bruce continued too work on his science stuff his (daughter/son) began to wail. Pulling his clear safety goggles off his head he shed his white lab coat and ran to the baby room.

(Y/N) lay there on the play mat crying and kicking, Bruce could see the wet stain on (his/her) nappy despite the face that it was heavily padded. Jogging over to his child, Bruce picked (him/her) up and ran over to the lab.

Clearing all harmful chemicals and objects off the table Bruce gathered his supplies. Putting on the safety goggled once more and a pair of gloves. With a pair of oversized tweezers in hand Bruce began to peel the nappy off using the tongs to hold the dirty nappy while he didn't have to touch it at all.

Using his tongs he stayed clean and his child was happy, win win.

Hawkeye/Clint Barton:

Clint carried his child under their arms towards the bathroom making sure to keep (him/her) at arms length. What had the baby done? Well they soiled their nappy of course.

Dumping them down, gently of course, using his fingertips and with a disgusted frown on his face he peeled away the dirty nappy and gagged. Throwing it into the bin he got a new one ready.

Just before Clint could apply any of sanitary products he felt something wet hit his face. Before a spray, he closed his eyes and pursed his lips his face screwing up, of course Clint knew what this was. Pee. After the stream had stopped he opened his eyes, the heroes face now dripping with urine.

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