Deep Breaths

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Twigs snap underneath doctor's feet. He's been looking for a way out of this never-ending forest, and hasn't found a single path to leave this forest. The young scientist has to now accept the fact that he is.

Doctor: I'm lost...... It's that tower all over again. Huh?

The doc's suspensions start to arise when he hears a twig crack behind his right blind side. Doctor spins in that direction and strains his eyes to see if he can spot the source of the sound.

Doctor: Who's there? We're not here to hurt any of you so just....

Doctor is cut off when a small tails doll suddenly appears in the brushes in front of him. Doctor has been through too much spooky shit to even be phrased by this unnatural event.

Doctor: Is this supposed to scare me or something?

?: I guess it didn't work?

Doctor: Who said that?

?: Down here. 

Doctor brings his attention to the doll, and notices something is off with it.

Doctor: Wait, this shouldn't be here.

?: I agree with you to an extend on that.

Doctor turns around pointing his pistol right into the head of the man behind him. However, his face seems to be familiar to Doctor. A young man in his twenties, wearing a blue sweater.

Doctor: Luther?

Luther: Oh, you actually know my name.

Doctor: No......, your supposed to be in a vessel. Who the hell are you!?

Luther: you just said it, Luther.

Doctor: Your too young to be him. You were around fifty when you got pulled in.

Luther: Pulled in? You believe they pulled me in. Your logic seems to be out of place my friend. I pulled them in not the other way around.

Doctor: What? That doesn't make any sense.

Luther: I was killed in 63 and thrown into a lake, 30 years of isolation, and then

Doctor: You tracked down your killers and put them in this disc.

Luther: See you get the full story.

Doctor: Except that's not how it actually went. Your friend Sarah died instead of you. If what you say is true. You must be from a parallel universe.

Luther AU: Ah, so multiverse theory is true. I wonder..... does that mean Sarah is just as powerful as me here.

Doctor: I'm afraid, I can't let you do that.

Luther's pupils turned a bright blue. The young man knocks doctor's weapon out his hands with ease, and wraps his hands around his throat.

Luther AU: Are you planning on stopping me?

Doctor: Firstly, you talk too damn much. Second, There's no oxygen in here, and not I'm having anything trouble here. So, your little handlock isn't doing anything. Lastly, it's not wise idea to underestimate the son of a demon lord.

Luther AU: ............Run that last part back by me again.

Doctor's hands turns into claws and grabs onto Luther's arm. Squeezing into them sounds of bones cracking can be heard. Doctor's skin turns blue and it catches Luther's attention.

Luther AU: You really aren't human.

Doctor pushes Luther's hands off of him. Luther surprisingly breaks off of it. He punches doctor in his rib cage, and about 4 of his ribs crack. It causing him to stumble to his knees, but it only made doctor more mad than in pain. Luther grabs the scientist hair and pulls his head up. Luther catches a face full of smoke coming from doctor's mouth blinding him. Doctor sweeps his leg making Luther fall. During this fall, Doctor gives Luther by his chest and throws into to a tree. This tree breaks a hole into a different level. Luther falls through landing on the rooftop of a city building. When he recovers, Doctor appears right beside him and puts his foot on his chest. The demon shows his dominance over Luther with his wings and golden yellow eyes.

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