Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"It's crazy. You'll never be able to pull it off."

I sighed and rubbed my temples in frustration. I had a major headache and Brenden wasn't helping by being negative about the plan.

"Please Brenden. I know you don't like it but I need a plan to get dad off my back and Carson is in the same situation as me and I want to help him. But you wouldn't understand."

"Look, I get that you miss him. But this idea is just taking it to far. So what if it works out for you. What about Carson's family and pack? Just because you get to be with Mason doesn't mean he will be able to be with his mate."

"Please shut up Brenden. You're making my headache worse." He looked at me concerned.

"Maybe you should go back to bed. Being away from your mate, even if it's a short amount of time can be really draining." Tasha said from next to me.

I nodded my head and went downstairs. When I was about to fall asleep I began to feel sick.

I leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and vomited everything into the toilet.

Tasha came in and held back my hair. I began to cry as pain shot through my body.

She helped me up and cleaned my face with a wash cloth the helped me back to my bed. Pain continued to course through my body as I screamed into my pillow.

"I'm going to get the doctor!" Tasha rushed up the stairs, yelling for help.

I heard feet trampling down the stairs, the noise giving me more pain thanks to my headache.

I felt someone grab my hand.

I moaned as more pain shot through me. I wanted to curl up into a fetal position and die. Anything would be better than this agonizing pain.

"Shhhhhh. It's going to be okay." Brenden whispered soothingly in my ear.

"I...... Need......Ma.... Mason." I managed to get out.

"Father please." He let go of my hand and turned to him.

"No. That is not the cause of her pain, if it is even real. She just needs rest."

"I need Mason!" I screamed causing everyone to jump.

"No!" He yelled back at me before leaving. I screamed with more agony as the pain intensified, tears rapidly splashing down my face.

I began to violently shake, making Tasha scream.

The last thing I remember before everything went black, was everything.


Brendens POV

I can't believe he just said that!

"I need Mason!" Addy screamed causing all of us to have a mini heart attack.

"No!" Father screamed back before storming upstairs.

Addy started crying harder. She then began to shake. Tasha screamed as Addy's eyes rolled behind her head.

"Addy!" I ran over to her.

"Liam! Get Dr. Trace! Tasha, try to find Mason and get him here!" I shook Addy lightly as they rushed out.

"Please wake up. Mason's coming. He'll be here soon. You just need to wake up. Addy. Please." I whispered as I began to cry. I couldn't stand to see her like this. My smart, funny, short, crazy, beautiful, talented, amazing little sister.

I don't cry, but seeing her like this hit me like a brick wall. I just got her back and now I was losing her again.

She remained still. I listened to her shallow breathing while I waited for Dr. Trace.

Finally I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Brenden, watch out." Liam put a hand on my shoulder.

I got up and backed away as Dr. Trace checked her heartbeat. After a couple minutes he turned to us.

"I've barely done anything and I can tell it's bad. She has an extremely high temperature. I'm going to give her some medicine to bring her temp down but she really needs her mate to make her better. I've never seen someone this bad before. If she wasn't a wolf she would have died from how high her temperature is. How long has she been away from her mate?"

"A day." I answered. He visibly paled.

"She's showing symptoms of someone whose been separated for at least a year. We need to get this boy fast."

"Liam, go see how Tasha's doing looking for him. Do you think she'll wake up soon?"

"After the medicine it should be about a day but she doesn't have that much time so find him quickly."

I nodded and headed upstairs after Liam.

I caught up with him and we walked towards the library and literally ran into Tasha.

She crashed into Liam and they tumbled into the floor.


"Sorry! Are you okay?" He helped her up.

"I'm fine but I found him!"


"Well he said he was from the Satagwa Pack so I looked it up and the pack house is in Blue Lake, California. It's about 2 hours from here by car. Here's the address." She handed me a slip of paper.

"Thanks so much Tasha. We should be able to run there in1 hour tops. Come on Liam, let's go."

"Good job babe." He smiled at Tasha and gave her a quick kiss before following me out the back door.

We quickly changed into wolf form, my pelt white, Liam's black, and began to sprint to Mason's.


So please don't hate me! It's been like almost 2 months since my last update and I only did because my friend Makayla wouldn't stop begging me to. So here it is! Basketball just ended well except for my tournament this weekend but then travel starts and I always have a ton of homework but I'll try to update more. Oh and you all should read my friend Makaylas new book Save a place for me in your heart. Her username is freespirit45. Oh and 1,200 something reads?!! i love you guys!!!!!!'Thanks!!

Love ya! Ali;D

P.S. makayla, you are so lucky I stayed up late writing this for you!

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