Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


The battle around us was coming to a close but this wasn't over until Ethan was dead and I planned to make that happen.

He finally managed to throw me off of him and against a wall. I crashed through it and slowly got back up. Ethan was panting and everyone else began prowling towards him. I got out if the wall and went to the front of them all. I took a risk and changed back into my human form.

"Ethan, you had your chance. You could have walked away from all of this. This could have been prevented. But now because you're an idiot, I'm going to kill you." Without hesitation I grabbed the same sliver knife he uses to slice Danielle's throat and plunged it into his heart. He changed back to his human form and gasped, grabbing for the handle before stumbling backwards and slumping to the ground. His face went blank and he stared ahead blankly.

He was dead.


Once he was dead I slumped to the ground and cried. I cried for myself, I cried for Brenden, I cried for Christine, I cried for Tasha and her dead family, I cried for Mason, I cried for Danielle. I even cried for Ethan and his innocent mother who just lost her only son because of me.

"Adison!" Mason rushed over to me pulled me into his arms. Tears poured down his cheeks too and onto me. He tried to stay strong but no one could stay strong at a time like this. The pack house had been destroyed. The Luna was dead. And it was all my fault.

"Shhh,sweetheart don't cry. I love you so much. You need to get back up now. We need to get the children and only you know where they are." He whispered to me. I nodded and he helped me up. Before I could walk foreword Tasha crashed into me and hugged me like she was never going to see me again.

"Addy you are an idiot and almost had yourself killed. I should hate you for doing that but you know I love you."

"I love you too Tasha. I have to go get the kids now." I whispered.

She nodded and I led the way to the barn.

"Kids, it's Addy, everything's okay now. You can come down." I called up to them. Slowly, little faces appeared over the edge, peaking down one by one. The first one to come down was Candice. Once she reached the floor she rushed over to me and Mason. Mason scooped her up and held her close to him. The rest if the kids came down after her and went to their parents. Some weren't so lucky.

"I can't find my daddy." One little boy said coming over to me.

"Well then we better get you back inside buddy." I told him. We led all of the children to the house by I stopped the before we could fully see it. "Mason we can't let them see this. Let's take them to Tashas. They'll be safe there." I suggested. He nodded in agreement and we turned to all of them.

"Alright everyone, we're actually going to go to Tashas house across the farm. Do you all know where that is?" Mason asked. A lot of them nodded. "Zachary, can you take them over?" Mason asked one of the adult men. He nodded and herded the kids with the help of their mothers and fathers to Tashas house. Some of the men hung back to help us.

Mason took my hand in his and I squeezed it reassuringly before entering the house. Many of the deceased were already moved but one remained on the kitchen floor with Alpha Devin kneeling at her side. Tears poured down my face all over again as I watched him sob into her hair. Mason choked out a sob and rushed over to his mother. I stayed where I was and let them mourn. I busied myself with dragging the dead enemy bodies outside and to a hole the men were digging.

"Addy, you didn't need to drag them out. We could have done it." Kai said. I was glad to see him but I worried me that I still hadn't seen Chris or Ashley.

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