Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Brendens POV

Me and Liam didn't slow as we ran. I could tell he was tired and so was I but we didn't have time and he understood that.

Finally we ran to the edge of the woods on Cape Street and turned back into our human forms.

Luckily we have clothes that morph with us when we change.

We jogged down the road to a big house at the end. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Finally a girl about our age answered.

"Yes?" She asked.

"We need to see Mason. Like right now."

"Why? Who are you?"

"Brenden Dreama. This is Liam Carrlson. Please. It's a life or death matter." She quickly recognized our last names and let us in, leading us up a flight of stairs to the end of the hall.

"This is his room. I'm Christine by the way." She smiled at me and butterflies, as girly as that sounds, fluttered around in my stomach. Crap. Worst timing ever to find my mate.

"Thanks." She walked away. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." He called from inside the room. We walked in and he sat straight up when he saw me.

"Why are you here?" He growled.

"Look I don't agree with my fathers decision at all. You and Addy deserve to be together. But that's not why we're here. You need to come back with us."

"Why should I? Your father made it pretty clear he didn't want me there."

"Because if you don't Addy's going to die! Please come now!" That sure got his attention. He quickly got up and we ran out.

We reached the edge of the forest and changed into wolves, then sprinted home.


Addy's POV

"Brenden, give it back!" I chased him through the house.

"You gotta catch me first!" He yelled back.

"No I don't! LIAM!!!!" I screamed. He ran into the room.

"What's wrong?"

"Brenden stole my doll. Could you get it back for me?" I asked sweetly. I had that boy wrapped around my finger.

"Sure." He smiled at me before turning and tackling Brenden. He quickly got it back for me and I ran back to my room.


"Honey, she's been through a lot, so don't be to loud and crazy with her."

"I won't mommy! Can I go in now?" She sighed before opening the door. I walked in and over to the girl sitting on the bed. She looked really sad and was just sitting there, starring at a doll in her lap.

"Hi!" I said, jumping on the bed next to her.

"Hello." She didn't even look up.

"I'm Addy! What's your name?"

"Natasha but you can just call me Tasha." She still wouldn't look up.

"Well Tasha, what do you like to do?" I tried to make conversation with her because this was just getting awkward really fast.

"Look, my whole family was just murdered and I almost was too. Do you see this," she pulled up her short to show me a huge gas across her stomach, "that was where they stabbed me. I almost died and I wish I did because then I would at least be with my family. So please just leave me alone for a while." Tears formed in her eyes. I nodded and walked back out.

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