Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I rolled over, trying to find where the voice was coming from. A delicious smell came with the voice.


I kept tossing.

"Addy wake up!"

My eyes flew open. I gasped for air, taking long breathes.


I looked over to see Mason sitting on a chair next to my bed.


"Yeah. I'm here." He stroked my hair.

"I remember. Everything. I remember it all."

"Yo- you do?"

"Yes. Why are you here? I thought my father forbid you to ever see me?"

"We'll it was either I see you or you die, so your father made an exception but I'm only allowed to stay until you get better then I can visit you every other week. The doctor said you should be able to stand that long. But what's this about this Carson guy?"

"Oh yeah, his father did the same thing to him and we were going to help each other get our mates back. How do you know about him?"

"We'll I think it's a little late to help him now but he stopped by and told me to tell you hi father has changed his mind about some Olivia girl."

"Oh that's great! I guess he wouldn't need my help anyways." Mason nodded but he had a far away look in his eyes and his smile didn't reach his eyes. "Mason, what's wrong?" He sighed and shook his head.

"I almost lost you Addy. And only being able to see you every other week? I can't go on like this. We can't go on like this."

"Which is why in a month, on my 20th birthday, we will be together. It doesn't matter what my father says. He doesn't get a say in who me and Brenden mate with. Obviously Brendens mate will come live here and become the next Luna of our pack but you and I, we can go back. Your pack is now my pack." After I finished explaining Masons smile was bigger than I'd ever seen it.

"This is the second happiest day of my life." He said.

"What was the first?" I asked

"The day I met you." Corny much? But I still melted when he leaned in to kiss me. I smiled as we broke apart, nose to nose. "We better go tell everyone you're awake. And that you have your memory back. I'm guessing they're going to have some questions and so do I."


I walked into the kitchen and everyone except my father was sitting around the table eating dinner. Tasha looked up first when we walked in. "Addy!" She ran over and hugged me followed by Brenden, Liam, and my mom.

"Hi." I smiled at all of them. "Where's father?" I didn't really want to see him but I didn't want to seem rude.

"Sulking in his office because he lost and you won." My mom said.

"What do you mean?"

"Mason really is your mate and he can't deny it now because another pack knows about him."

"What pack?"

"Carson's pack."

"Oh. Well I have some new for everyone." I said glancing at Mason.

"My memory is back." I watched their expressions change as what I said sank in.

Once everyone realized what this meant a million questions were shot at me. I couldn't even understand what they were saying.

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