You all hate me

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You all hate me. Don't deny it! I haven't updated since like February..... Ooops... I promise though I have finished writing the next chapter and it will be up by tomorrow! I didn't update for the longest time because of school. Ik lame excuse but i was taking advanced classes and I was only in 8th grade so I was stressing about regents(I did fine) but I back and have no life so I'll be posting a lot more!:D I also have a new book I've been writing! It started out as an English assignment but I'm in love with it now and once I write THE WHOLE THING I'll post it so I don't take a long time between each post. The reason why I'm not gonna post the next chapter today(probably) is because today's my little sisters bday party and ten I have to leave from here and go straight to the last night of a basketball thing:/ but you never know I might still post it:) see I usually write out my chapters in a notebook then type and post them so that's why it's written and not posted. Ok so that's all for now! I'm so sorry to everyone but its up now and will be updated a lot more;)

Love you! Ali;D

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