-Chapter 9-

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30 minutes till 8p.m. Chuuya was already getting ready. He was free all day but he somehow couldn't relax. That letter...He was still contemplating whether it was a prank or was it real. Time passed incredibly slow but slowly, it turned 7.45 p.m. Wearing his hat, Chuuya set off to go to xxx apartment----------

Chuuya waked through a green tunnel, the branches of the trees entwined overhead. There was a warm moist smell in the air as well as the scent of freshly cut grass. This apartment was abandoned by the previous owner as he claimed that there were ghosts in that house that kept on haunting him. Voices at night and strong wind. Superstitious shit for Chuuya though. What a fine place to choose Dazai, a suppose haunted place in the middle of no where...Chuuya thought to himself as he continued walking, aware of his surroundings. Who knows? Something may pop up where you least expected it! Chuuya, being the person he is, didn't just barge in through the door, he climbed up to the roof to see through a big hole that was made by a curse from the' ghost'. Chuuya internally laughed at all the myths he heard about this place. Peeping ever so cautiously, Chuuya looked around the surprisingly small house. His eyes widened as his eyes spotted a familiar brunette. It really was Dazai. So it wasn't just a prank...Jumping down from the roof, he held  knife at the brunette's neck and hissed " What do you want you traitor?" Dazai who predicted Chuuya would do that replied with his annoying voice that Chuuya actually missed " To meet you....What else?" Chuuya slowly dropped his hand which was holding the knife and stepped back a few steps. The Dazai right in front of him was different. He wasn't wearing black anymore. He wore a more positive colour and the bandage covering his right eye was gone. His hazel eyes proudly presented on his face. His once cold, emotionless eyes now held feelings. Probably happy to see Chuuya! " You shitty Dazai! You're a traitor!" Chuuya yelled while sending a kick to Dazai's head. However, his kick was stopped midway as Dazai blocked his kick and pushed it away gently. "How predictable Chibi~" Dazai teased as he rolled his eyes. Chuuya retrieved his leg and lightly punched Dazai who was still laughing. "Well, I know you don't think I am a traitor. Just acting as always, Chuuya..." Dazai said as he slowly brought the ginger into a hug. " Why did you leave?" Chuuya mumbled as he hugged the brunette back. " Well, Odasaku died and Ango left...I thought about what Odasaku said before when we met at the bar and decided to leave. I am now in the Armed Detective Agency!" Dazai chuckled at the memory of Odasaku and him at the bar. Upon hearing that, Chuuya pushed Dazai slightly away. "What?....T..the ADA? Mori...w..wants to kill everyone there..."Chuuya stammered at the thought of having to kill Dazai with his two hands. " He doesn't know I am in ADA?" Dazai asked quite shocked. " What do you think stupid mackerel! Of course he doesn't know. No one knows! Only me right now!" Chuuya retorted. Dazai gave Chuuya that "That might be bad" look that Chuuya was so familiar with...Chuuya sighed and turned around, ready to leave and leave Dazai alone to think about what he should do with that prodigy brain of his. When Chuuya was about to leave, he felt a tight grip on his wrist. Turning around, He saw Dazai holding on to his wrist while looking away. Couldn't see his eyes either. Chuuya was feeling a weird vibe and wanted to pull his hand away from the brunette's grip but was stopped when Dazai uttered ever so softly, barely audible but Chuuya heard every single word clearly. " I missed you Chuuya..." Chuuya was shocke. Did Dazai, yes, Dazai just said that he missed him? That was shocking. Too much for Chuuya to process but before he could say anything, he felt lips touch his...

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