Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A month later....

Im planing on proposing to charlie tonight and i hope that he says yes, i mean ofcourse he's gonna say yes i'll be shock if he doesn't.

I called Tao to let him know my plan for tonight.

Tao: Hello?
Nick: Tao?
Tao: Oh hi Nick
Nick: I was thinking if you could help me plan something tonight
Tao: Is it the proposal?
Nick: Uh yeah it is
Tao: Ofcourse, text me the details and I'll get Elle in on this
Nick: Okey bye
Tao: Bye

Tao and probably Elle is onboard with my plan tonight, all i need is call my mum and Tori, Tara, Darcy, and Isaac.

I punched in Tara's number on my phone and pressed the call button.

Nick: Hey Tara
Tara: Oh hi nick
Nick: I was wondering if you could help me on something for tonight
Tara: Ofcourse, is it for charlie?
Nick: Uh yeah it is for charlie
Tara: Is it a proposal?
Nick: Yeah
Tara: Alright, what's youre plan?
Nick: I'll text you the details
Tara: Okey

I hung up and called the others that i need to get on board with the plan. (Im too lazy to write the other phone calls so I'll just do a time skip)

Alright i already called everyone who i need to get this plan ready.
The last step i need to do is to distract Charlie so that's when Tao comes into the plan.

As if on cue, Someone knocked on the door and Charlie answered it.
"Oh hi Tao i never knew that you were coming" i heard Charlie say
"I thought that i would surprise you" Tao said
"Well you did" Charlie chuckled
"are you free to go out?" Tao asked
"I'll ask Nick"
"Nick! Can i go out with Tao today?" Charlie shouted from the front door
"Sure" i shouted back
After a few minutes i heard the front door close, meaning they already left. And now it's time to go to the park and set up.

Charlie's POV

I left the flat with Tao and I don't really know where are we going. Tao just told me that we are going out.

We arrive at the beach???
"The beach?" I ask him. Im shocked that he would think of going here instead of the bowling alley.
"I thought that we could go here and enjoy the water" he said while pulling clothes from his backpack
"Here i brought you some clothes" he hands me the clothes and i take them from him.
We took off our shoes and socks so we can get into the water. As we get into the water, Tao splashes me and i flinch away.
"Hey not fair" i said as i splashed him back
"This is war" we started a splash war and ofcourse i won.

After i while we decided to get out of the water and get changed.
I noticed Tao texting someone while he exit's the changing room. "Who are you texting" i say as he covers his phone so I can't see the screen "no one" he replies and turns off his phone and turns back to me "we better get going, were heading to the park next" he said as he walks away

We headed to the park which was an hour away from the beach but we got there nearly dark and i saw a flower arrangement with only roses were used.
This must be a proposal for someone.
Aww i wish the person who he proposes to says yes.
Tao leads me torwards it and im all confused on why he wants me to go there when this is technically for someone and i already know that i couldn't be me because why would it?

Tao stops when im in the middle of the heart that is made out of roses on the ground.
Suddenly Tao walks away from me and i could see someone walks torwards me.
I noticed the person when it was close enough for me to identify who it is.

It's Nick
Nick walks into the roses and holds my hand.
"Nick what is this" i asked all confused on what's happening
"Char i've known you since i was in year 11 and i still love you now, when you first went to my house and we played in the snow, that was my favorite moment we shared because we were still young and it was the first time we hung out together" "all im saying is i love you sooo much and will you make me the happiest man alive?" He paused, pulling something from his back pocket and then he dropped down on one knee.
By this time, i already have tears down my face "charles francis spring will you marry me?" My tears are already pouring down my face, i nod slowly and said "yes yes yes a million times yes!" He put the ring on my finger and he picked me up.

He put me down and shouted "HE SAID YES!"
the others started to show up from their hiding spots and started cheering.
"Hi future mr. Nelson" Tori said beside me
"You were also in this?" I was surprise that she's in this because she usually wouldn't
"Ofcourse i an, i wouldn't miss my brother's proposal, even though i seem like some who wouldn't care about it" she said and pulled me into a hug "congratulations" she whispered in my ear "thanks" i said smiling.
"My best friend is getting married" tao said as he walked torwards me
"You were the one who's against me and Nick's relationship at the start" i say chuckling
"At first yeah, but you guys proved that it wasnt like i thought it was" he said.

"Welcome to the family charlie" Nick's mum said
"Thanks and thank you for accepting me as Nick's boyfriend" i said
"Ofcourse, and it was yhe best decision i made because look at you two now, you are ment for Nicky" she say and i started blushing
"So future Mr. Nelson would you want to eat?" She asked. I got a little hesistant to asnwer yes but i eventually pushed it away and started walking ti the picnic blanket that they have set up.


This was meant to be posted earlier but I couldn't because my wifi went out and it just got back

~ •leafhop• ~

Future: heartstopper fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora