chapter 7

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Charlie's POV
A few days since Nick and Charlie got engaged

We, by i mean we i mean me and Nick decided that we will plan the wedding at Elle and Tao's house but Nick is taking soooo long inside the shower.

"NICK! it has been thirty minutes since you went inside the shower and yet you are still inside there?" i told him while fighting the urge to yell at him
"I'm still washing my hair, it's very important you know" he replied from inside of the shower
"since when did you cared about you're hair?" i asked confused because he usually doesn't take that long inside the shower just because of his hair
"since now" he replied again and i just rolled my eyes and left  to go to the kitchen so i can prepare our breakfast.

i have decided to cook some bacon, beans, eggs and i'll toast some bread for the both of us.
while i was cooking the last thing that I'm cooking which is the eggs.
Someone decided to put their arms on my wrist and hugged me from behind my back.
"Are you going to eat breakfast with me?" he asked me softly but he is still hugging my back
"of course, why would i not?" i replied to him but I'm more focused on the eggs that I'm cooking
"i just thought that you wouldn't eat with me because you don't normally eat breakfast" he say softly while waiting me to finish cooking.

Once i've finished cooking the eggs i put them on the dinning table where all the other foods are and where is Nick sitting while he is on his phone. I sat beside him and he looked up from his phone and looked at me. I looked at his phone to see what he's doing, he noticed me looking and he hide his phone from me.
"Oi! i'm looking for a anniversary gift for you, no peaking" he said and he put his phone inside his pockets
"alright, but i haven't found a gift for you yet" i say as i pass him him plate
"it's alright char, you don't have to rush it. our anniversary is still a month away and plus i'm just looking for one incase it will take too long to ship" he replied
"okey but lets eat first" he nods and he starts to get food.

It took me thirty minutes to finish breakfast, due to talking to Nick and taking a while before every bite of food.
"are you done char?" Nick asks and i just nodded my head as he collects my plate and puts it in the sink.
"we must be going now, Elle and Tao are expecting us to be there at eleven-thirty and its already nine-fifty" i say as i went up the stairs to change my sweater since i slept  in the one i'm currently wearing.

As i go down the stairs i hear Nick shouting at someone, i think he's on a phone call with someone. "No, i will not go to the stupid reunion at saturday" he said.
I quietly went to the kitchen and saw him hang up the phone "Nick?" i say softly as i approach him "yes char?" he said and he puts his phone inside his pocket.
"Who were you talking to on the phone?" i ask him
"oh, it was david asking me to go to the family reunion this saturday" he looks mad, i can tell by just looking at his face
"well do you want to go?" i ask him again and he looked at me worried
"if i have to, i don't wanna go alone" he replied 
"i'll go with you Nick, and don't you dare say that i don't have to, i wan't to and plus i don't want you going all alone either" he smiled at my response and he locked our lips together.
"i love you Charlie Spring"
"i love you too Nick Nelson"


ik ik this took a little longer than expected but the important part is that i finally posted this chapter.
But really I'm really sorry, school just got in the way and i didn't had time to write this earlier this week. And tbh school was actually more fun than i expected, lets see about that after a month or so if i will still think that school is fun.

See you on the next chapter :)


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