Chapter 16

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Nick's POV

Charlie is being impatient because he really wants to go to the park right now but im sort of struggling on finding a shirt to wear. I mean i could just wear a jumper out but its too hot for that.
What i just wear a tank top and shorts? It's not a bad choice, mainly because of the weather.
Okay fine, i'll wear the tank top and shorts.

I came out of our room and saw Charlie standing near the door with an angry expression "what took you so long?" Charlie said with his arms crossed on his chest.
"I couldn't find anything to wear so i just put on this" i show him the outfit that i chose.
"It looks good" Charlie's voice calmed down and it looks like he's about to kiss me.
"I thought that you were so eager to go to the park?" I chuckle as i look at Charlie who is leaning torwards me.

"We could just make-out instead..." i laughed and grabbed his arm to the stairs and to the kitchen where the basket is.
"We're going to the park like you wanted" i say and took the picnic basket in my hand.
"Fine" Charlie sighs and he put the harnest and leash onto Daisy so we could get out of the door as a little family.

Daisy rushed outside once she was harnest and dragged Charlie with her. I laughed as i trailed behind them.
"It's not funnyyyy" Charlie says as he continues to be dragged by Daisy and i continue to laugh my ass off.

Daisy practically knows where the park is, considering the amount of time that we have taken her there to meet other dogs so she could socialize or meet up with Tao and Elle.
She probably thinks that were meeting up with someone but nope, were just going there as a family and eating lunch in the sun. Well... in the shade probably near a tree.

We got to the park gates and we look at where it would be nice to set the picmic blanket. Charlie points at the apple tree near the playground but not too close that we would be disturbed by little kids.

I was the one who set's up the picnic blanket and the food, of course i had to give daisy a treat so she would disturb me while i set it all up.
Charlie is reading the book that i got him on his birthday last year but he only got the chance to read it now that he has so much free time.

He is holding Daisy's leash while she eats her treat.

Finally im done setting things up and and called Charlie to come here.
"Charlie!! Come here" i shouted to get his attention.
Charlie came torwards me and sat down beside where im sitting.

"What kind of sandwich do you prefer, ham and cheese or vegetable sandwich?" I am 100% sure that Charlie would pick the ham and cheese one because it's plain and it's not that too complicated with all the textures and flavors.

I know Charlie has gotten better with his eating disorder but it never really went away. Sometimes it would be there and sometimes he's fine, his ED would normally show when his isnt the greatest or when he's stressed.

"I want the ham and cheese one, please" i knew that he would pick that one. I gave him his sandwich and he happily ate it with no problems whatsoever.
"Good?" I asked
"Amazing, thank you" he answered and i smiled at him as i ate my sandwich.
Daisy looks at the both of us as if she's begging us to give her a bite, well she definitely is begging us for a bite so i gave her another treat that would take her a few minutes to finish, so she keeps busy while me and Charlie try to finish the sandwiches.

Once we finished eating, Charlie decided that he wants to finish the book that he was reading so i took Daisy to the little dog park near the playground.
There are a couple of dogs there. All different kinds of breeds. There are shih tzu's, huskies, golden retrievers and border collie's.

I let Daisy play with the other dogs and of course i kept an eye on her as she plays, we don't want any puppies yet.

After a while, i saw Charlie walking torwards me and Daisy with the picnic basket in hand.
"Char, why didn't you called me that your done?" I asked.
"I didn't want to bother you" Charlie simply replied and gave me the picnic basket, which i gladly took from him.
I pecked his lips before giving him Daisy's leash and holding his other hand in mine.


Yehey! Another chapter done.


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