Chapter 12: 2/2

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Charlie's POV

We arrived at the Nelsons house and David was the one to open the door for us.
Nick and David got into a little heated argument about me because David was being a prick of me being here at their family dinner.
To be honest, i didn't really wanted to go but Nick needed me to come with him even if he u wouldn't admit it.

We entered the house and we saw sarah in the living room while using her ipad.
She gave Nick a warm hug then turned to me "oh Charlie its nice to see you again, it has been a while" sarah says and pulls me into a warm tight hug.  I love Sarah's hugs, they make me comfortable and make me feel loved by someone other than my siblings and Nick.
"Its also nice to see you again Sarah, me and Nick really missed you and your cooking" i had to admit that Sarah's food always make me want to eat, even with the whole not eating situation a few years ago when Nock and me were still young.

"Mum where's dad? Did he confirmed that he's coming tonight?" Nick asked. Nick missed his dad even if he wouldnt admit it himself. I would always catch him looking at photos of him and his dad when he was younger.
"Yes Nicky, your father is coming tonight" she sighed and Nick's face lit up from the news.
"Really? I thought that he was busy with work and couldn't come tonight for dinner" his dad really said that via text message. Nick showed me the text his dad sent hom a few days ago about the whole dinner thing at Sarah's house. He was devastated when he saw the text, Nick really wanted to see his dad.
"Yeah he confirmed it yesterday night when i was about to fall asleep" Sarah explained with a smile on her face. She loved to see Nick happy?, i mean how could she not? Happy Nick is the best. I love seeing him this happy about something, it makes me look back when we first started dating.

Time skip (its really late and im really lazy)

A few hours later Stephane came though the doors of the house. Me and Nick were cuddling on the sofa when we heared Sarah opening the door.

"Sarah, lomg time no see"
"Yes very long"

When they entered the living room, Nick immediately opened his eyed and saw his dad stading in the doorway.

"Nicholas" his dad says "how are you?"

"Ive been fine, you?" Nick asked as he untangles from me and standing up from the sofa.
"Im alright, i think so" he replied dryly. He always reply dry even in text.
Nick always show me the texts his dad sends him so i already know how he texts Nick. Its sad to watch Nick be sad and miss his dad every now and then. But now he gets to see him in person but Nick doesn't look that happy now that he sees  him in person.

"Charlie, its nice to see you" his dad says and i just nod my head at him and replied "you too"

I just wish his dad looked more excited to see Nick than how he looks right now. He looks unfazed by any of this and it bothers me a little because i know it also bothers Nick.

"Boys! Dinners ready" Sarah announces from the kitchen.
We headed to the kitchen where sarah is bring the food to the dining room, we offered to help and she allowed us. This doesn't happen normally because she wouldn't let us help her prepare anything during dinners without David or Stephane.
It's lovely to see that Sarah put so much effort in her cooking for this dinner with her whole family back together. Even though David is an asshole, I don't mind as long as Sarah's happy. I owe her my life ever since me and Nick even started dating, she has treated me nothing but kindness and loved me since the day Nick brought me to their house for the first time.
I remember the first time Nick brought me to their home when we just got together and told his mum about the two of us. She hugged me so thight that i cant breath, she was so welcoming and kind ever since.

We finally sat at the table after helping with the food and settinng up the table.

Now comes the hard part. Actually eating dinner.

It doesnt really bother me to eat but with David and Nick's dad here, its a whole new level for me. Its like the spring-nelson dinner we had when me and Nick were still teenagers and i was just released from the mentally facility i was in for a few weeks.
But ofcourse its not that intense as when we were still both teenagers but still.

Now the actually eating starts and i dont knwo where to start, maybe i could start with the roasted chicken and mash or i could do steamed veggies and fish with sweet and sour sauce.
I decided to start with the fish and veggies, it was surprisingly good. Why am i surprised with Sarah's cooking? All of them are delicious, unloke my mothers. I mean my mum's cooking isn't that bad but she'd always force me to finish my food and would always force me to eat even though she knows about my eating disorder.

"So Nick, hows life with that boyfriend of yours?" David asks. Nicks face scrunch up and looks like he's just heard the most nastiest word that ever exist.
"Actually he's my fiancé now" Nick corrects hima nd he looks proud of himself for doing so.
"Wait you two are engaged?" David snorts and Sarah gares at him. "So what if Nick and Charlie are engaged now?" Sarah say angrily torwards David "atleast theyre happy and contented with their lives unlike you whose still single and we all know why already" i can see Nick hold a laugh while David is getting yelled at by Sarah.

Eventually David shut his mouth up for once and we finished eating. Me and Nick are laying on the sofa with our phones when stephane came into the room with Sarah and David.

I guess the drama isn't done yet.

Finally a update only one week after the previous one, thats what you call an achievement.
I know it may seem so little but for me its a big deal. It looks like im not going to update for a week because i still have a school activity and that will keep me busy until further notice.

So see you next week i guess?

~ •leafhop• ~

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