21 - Appointment

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^^ngl i dont even like that dress color💀 i just wanted yall to get the dates along w how big her belly got (thats as close as i could get on pinterest) pretend her belly a lil bigger tho

^^ngl i dont even like that dress color💀 i just wanted yall to get the dates along w how big her belly got (thats as close as i could get on pinterest) pretend her belly a lil bigger tho

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"Aspen, remind me how far along you are again?" Mom said as I sat in the backseat.

"30 weeks." I shrugged, eating my frozen yogurt.

"Aspen, did you even eat breakfast yet?" Livi asked, turning in the passenger seat.

"No." I replied, taking another spoonful. "But me and my daughters wanted frozen yogurt."

"It's still crazy how you're having twins." Mom chuckled, turning into the parking lot.

"I know. Imagine if one of them has a baby with another twin." I shook my head thinking about it.

"We have a long line of twins coming." Livi joked as Mom pulled into a parking spot.

I laughed, turning in my seat as I finished my frozen yogurt. They got out the car and Livi came around my side to help me out.

I took off my seatbelt and grabbed her hands, pulling myself up as much as I could.

At 30 weeks, it was extremely hard for me to stand up on my own. Especially while carrying twins, they weighed me down a lot.

"What is this appointment for?" Mom asked as we walked inside.

"I don't know. Usually, they tell us when we go in." I told them and they nodded.

I went to go sign in and took a seat, waiting for my name to be called. Moments later, the doctor I had been seeing walked out and I smiled.

"Hey, Aspen." She smiled, coming over and helping me out of my chair. "No Dad today?"

"No, this is my mom and sister." I told her and she waved at them.

"Hey, you all can just follow me." She nodded and they got up and we followed her into a room.

We walked into a room and I got on the table, swinging my feet back and forth. I looked down at my outfit as the doctor began talking.

With my belly being so big, I could actually fit into Dalton's shirts like they were my own. I only had to buy maternity dresses and jeans.

So, we were literally sharing clothes for the time being.

"Okay, Aspen. Today we're just going to be checking your babies heartbeats and going over some things you want to happen during your labor process." She told me and I nodded.

"You can just lay back and lift up your shirt when you're ready." She said and I laid down slowly.

"One thing I hated about my appointments was the cold gel." Livi laughed, coming over to stand beside me.

"I never get used to it." I chuckled and she nodded.

"Wait, how are you supposed to tell your twins apart?" Livi asked and I paused for a moment.

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