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**Currently under editing**

Thunderbird three left Tracy island not realizing what was happening below. As they left, Brains got a warning saying that there was an intruder.

"What the h-h devil is going on?" Brain's said as all of the computers began to glitch. "Mr Tracy, do you copy? Thunderbird Three please respond."

But Brains never heard from them. There was no sound saying that they had received his message and all he could do was commence lock down procedure and turn the control room back into Jeff's office. And hope that these intruders, whoever they were, wouldn't be able to get in...

Meanwhile Thunderbird Three were approaching Thunderbird five and they could see the extent of the damage. Debris was floating all over the place and they had to try and lock onto the docking station.

"I'm loosing all power," It was John's voice over the PA system. "Repeat," he coughed, "I'm loosing all power"

"Hold on John," Jeff replied to his second eldest son, "We're coming in. Gordon prepare for immediate docking"

"You got it Dad," Gordon replied. This was his chance to shine, although he wished it wasn't under these circumstances of rescuing his brother... "Reverse main thrusters on my mark,3...2...1...easy watch the roll"

"Roll index angle minus two degrees," Virgil said

"Initiate docking sequence" said the computer as the pulled up close to the dock. The metal clamp from Thunderbird three, closed around the open clamp of Thunderbird five forming a tight bond between the two.

"We're locked on" said Gordon as he released all of the safety bars.

"Nice work" Jeff said as he finished off the controls on the ship,

"Tunnel hatch secured" Scott said as he walked over to the airlock,

"Emergency packs boys, lets move" said Jeff as Gordon and Virgil grabbed the pack and made there way over to Thunderbird five. They rushed into the main control room to find John on the floor,

"John!" Jeff shouted as he ran to his son, "Scott tackle that fire,"

"Am i glad to see you guys," he said as he rolled over, he looked around in confusion, "Where's Liv?"

"Easy your hurt, she twisted her ankle she's fine" Jeff replied looking his son over,

"Guess that makes two of us," John grimaced,

"Virgil take care of your brother," He said standing up and finding a fire extinguisher, "Gordon get me a damage assessment"

Jeff extinguished one of the fires as he looked around him, surely this couldn't have been done by a meteor? Thunderbird five would have picked up on the incoming objects and would have used it's thrusters to move out of the way...

Brains was trying to ignore the constant banging coming from the titanium door which had locked him inside of the control room. As the door slammed open he stood up and went to confront whoever the intruder was , but as soon as he saw the sheer size of the man...he thought better of it.

"We've got a constant warning light on our EPS system," Scott shouted to his Dad and brothers who were surrounding John,

"Attempt manual override," Jeff said, trying to keep the boys calm,

"NO that's negative!" Scott said, getting panicked.

"Back to Thunderbird three now," Jeff said attempting to pick up his son, "John we gotta move"

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