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**Currently under editing**

Her blonde wavy hair lay in a halo around her head on the cold marble floor.

Jeff Tracy knelt beside her holding her hand as the paramedics rushed in, shortly followed by her brothers.

John Tracy, her twin, ran over to her other side and grabbed her hand looking to his father whose gaze never left that of his daughter's face.

Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward stood to the side with Alan, Tin-tin, Fermat and Parker, who held his hat in his hands looking down at the floor. After the police had left, she wrapped a loving arm around Alan who lent into her, not knowing what to do.

Scott Tracy, the eldest brother, stood behind his dad with his other brothers behind him. He placed his hand on his fathers shoulder as he held his breath, trying not to let the tears fall. He looked at his sister. Her chest slowly falling then rising. Then, it stopped. And his tears fell.

3 weeks later

"I'm sorry Mr Tracy," Liv's doctor said, placing a reassuring hand on Jeff's shoulder. "It's for the best he continued."

Jeff Tracy looked into his daughters hospital room where she lay on the white hospital bed, her usually tanned face now porcelain like the sheets. Her usually angelic features had turned skeletal as the skin stretched tightly over her face. Her hair lacked its usual shine, despite Penny insisting she came in to wash it every two days.

Jeff looked back to the doctor and sighed,

"Is there no way we can have a few more days?" he said looking hopeful.

"I'm sorry Mr Tracy," the Doctor continued, "Even with your charitable donation, there is no ethical way too keep her alive. She simply isn't showing enough output. A nurse will be with you in ten minutes. I'm sorry,"

Jeff sighed and walked into the room where is two eldest boys were sat. He looked back to his daughter. The bruises around her neck and arms had finally started to fade from the horrible black colour to a deep purple, and the cuts to her head were beginning to heal over. But that was nothing compared to the damage internally. She had suffered a punctured lung which  had cause her to bleed internally. Because of this she had arrested three times. Once in the vaults, then again in the ambulance. When they finally got her to the hospital she was rushed into theater where they fought to fix her lung. However she arrested again,but still put up a fight and they got her heart started again.
Once she left theater she was put into a medically induced coma as they were not sure how much damage her brain had suffered from the lack of oxygen. When they tried to bring her out of the coma however, she didn't respond. One week later the doctors had decided that it was now or never.

Noticing their Dad enter the room the two boys looked up. Liv wouldn't usually have three visitors, but when they rang and asked if they could both come , Jeff didn't have the heart to say no. Usually, they had a rota as to who would see her. Scott would come and he would read to her. John would put on their favourite television show. Virgil would play music and Gordon would tell jokes. When Alan came he would bring some work which school had sent him and he would read the questions out to her. Penny would come every two days to wash her hair and face, while Parker would read her the news. While Jeff made the boys head back over to Tracy Island during their shifts, Jeff stayed. He slept in the chair in the corner, often with his tablet on his lap, glasses on the end of his nose and coffee on the table beside him. He only left when one of the boys was with her, and even then that was only for a shower. Despite the showers he took each day, he had developed the smell of hospitals around him. He hadn't shaved, his face had gotten a slight beard and his hair had gotten longer.

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