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Little Warning: This is an AU and not the actual story, the warnings will be at the start of each chapter!

!!!Fanarts aren't mine!!!

Chapter 1:

Tommy POV:

The time stood still for a few heartbeats as the President of L'manburg said with a stern voice: "Tommy, you are hereby exiled from L'manburg. Dream please take him away." He just stood there shocked as others started to try and say something in protest, but no one could Form the words which they wanted to say so badly but just couldn't.

Tommy stared in disbelief at his bes- ex best friend Tubbo and just couldn't shake the image of Schlatt out of his head... Tubbo acts like Schlatt...

Dream turned towards Tommy and mentioned him to follow behind with a handsign(?). Tommy did as he was told, he definitely didn't want to see Tubbo now, his friend had betrayed him and his trust... What is he going to do now?


After a few of hours of walking Dream finally stopped and let Tommy sit down in the warm sand. The waves of the blue ocean were quiet beautiful but that didn't make Tommy's bad thoughts go away, and neither did it ease the pain in his heart. HOW COULD TUBBO DO THIS TO HIM!? After everything they've been through together... All the jokes, all the laughs and the endless conversations... He didn't know where he had gone wrong...

No everything is fine... THIS IS JUST A SILLY LITTLE NIGHTMARE... RIGHT? He's just going to wake up and later tell Tubbo about it with him laughing his head off about the stupidity of his friends weird dream. But the awaking didn't come... And deep down he knew that there was no awaking, he knew that this wasn't some silly dream that you would forget soon again... No this was real...

BUT HOW!? IT COULDN'T BE REAL! TUBBO WOULD NEVER DO THIS TO HIM... He would stand by his side through everything.

It's always been like that,
Tommy and Tubbo, the most chaotic duo of all times, THEY against the WORLD

It felt so real and unreal at the same time...

He turned around to search for Dream so that he can tell him that he needed to speak with Tubbo again... To change his mind... Or at least to ease the punishment a little bit...

But Dream has already left... Great so now he's completely alone...

How was he going to get through this...?

[COMPLETE]Tommyinnit Exile - 5 Stages of GriefOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora