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Chapter 3

TW: Mention of Blood, Explosions, Self Hatred, Manipulation, Evil!Dream (Charakter not real Dream)

Tommy POV:

Tommy had been in Exile for quite some time now. He started to try and deal with his situation so that he can adjust to it.

But that was easier said than done, and the fact that no one came to visit him except for Dream didn't help at all. He wanted to hate Dream, after all he was the one that caused his exile.

But he couldn't... Dream wasnt at fault...

He was right... and that hurt Tommy, Tubbo was right to exile him, his Family was right to leave him alone... One of his brothers abonded him, the other one is dead, killed by their father who doesnt care for Tommy anymore

But Dream stayed... He stayed at Tommys side, even tho he wouldnt say that they were friends but he at least cared enough to still come to Tommy. But Dream was horrible to him!

He forced Tommy to throw everything that he had farmed into a hole, which Dream then blows up. If he'd not combly then he'd get very angry! If there is one thing in this hellhole of a world to be afraid of, then it is Dream being angry!

It would always end in a bloody mess, for example the first time he didn't throw his stuff into the hole, Dream beat him up until Tommy was unconscious.

Tommy didn't know how to get throgh this all... But who could blame him for that, he lost his best friend and the home he's fought for so many times in just one day... That was the only Thing that no one could blame him for.

He was just


[COMPLETE]Tommyinnit Exile - 5 Stages of GriefWhere stories live. Discover now