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Chapter 2:

TW: Mention of blood, Selfhatred(kind of)

Tommy POV:

It has been two days since he got exiled and Dream hasn't returned yet, he probably was busy taking down that obsidian wall, so he started to build himself a little house... Well if you could call that sad excuse for a home a house.

But hey it's better then sleeping outside while it's raining, so Tommy would take what he could get.

But the truth is he just wanted to go home... He just wanted to see his friends again... If he could still think of them as friends that is...

They all abounded him... Well not really but they could have- NO! They SHOULD HAVE stood up for him... At least anyone... Or maybe visiting him, but no one came yet... And if he was really honest with himself, then he didn't think that this would change.

He just finished building the fourth wall so now he needed to work on a roof, but he ran out of wood so he needs to get some more.

While he was walking into the forest he could feel that his anger started to come back, but this time it was ...Different...

He wasn't angry at his friends anymore but more at himself, his blood started to boil and his heartbeat sped up. His ears began to ring and with a loud scream, he hit his fist into the first tree he saw.  A big flood of pain ran through his hand as his blood was pouring out of it.

It was all HIS FAULT wasn't it!? If he wouldn't have been so LOUD, so EXTROVERTED, so ANNOYING, then he wouldn't be in this whole mess. He just couldn't hold the anger inside anymore, so he continued to punch the trees.

-Timeskip: 3 hours later-

He'd been punch the trees for a long time until he finally broke down. He cried and cried with no sign of an end to it. He was angry at himself! He was angry because he was weak!!! Hell which idiot would first get himself into such a mess and later on cry because of his own stupidity!

He just wished that he could turn back time, to change his stupid decision to blow up George's house. At least Ranboo didn't get punished. He wasn't at fault in this so Tommy would have been devastated if he'd been the reason for Ranboo to be punished.

Tommy spend the rest of the day building his roof and later on continuing to cry.

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