The Grammy's Chap 5

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"So they sent me to come and get you" said Nash

"Okay" I said grabbing my brown wedges and walking down the stairs behind Nash.

Once we passed the screen door all I heard was flashing lights. "Great!" Said one of the photographers "Now you must come and take a single shot"

"Stand here and smile" he said moving me to a certain  direction.

I wasn't use to the camera and attention. So i tried my best. He took the shot and looked at the screen. "Uhhh, Let's try that one again, be free,natural, pretend the camera isn't even here"

I took a deep breath from behind I could see Nash imitating the cameraman from behind.

I cracked up laughing "Perfect" said the man snapping his fingers in the air

And there was Nash behind him. I literally died.

"There it is" he said. "Kourtney,Scott, kids family shot"

We all gathered together for a shoot. "PERFECTO" he yelled "now go change in your swimsuits, EVERYONE TAKE 5"

I ran upstairs and in my dressing room was a blue and white bikini.

I quickly changed into it and looked at myself in the mirror. I walked out and there was a woman sitting on the black chair. "Hey Christal" she said "Im Brit and I'm your very own makeup artist" she smiled and pointed to the chair. I saw down

"Sorry, I wasnt here this morning, there is hella traffic around her" she said laughing and pulling out her makeup kit.

"We are going to go for a natural waterproof look" she said  doing her thing.

1 Hour Later:

Brit and I got to know each other very well. We even made plans to go buy some of my personal makeup kits later on this week.

The shoot went great! We took great pictures and I couldn't wait to see them in magazines.

All the cameras were gone and it was just Kourtney in the house.

I changed into a flannel and white ripped jeans. I grabbed my gray converse and ran into Kourtney's room. She looked a little pale.

"You okay" I asked poking my head in her room. "Yeah, I just don't feel very well" she said placing her phone on her counter.

"Uhh you still going to my moms"? she asking turning on her t.v

"Yeah" I said sitting on her bed

"Ok, I am not going to out tonight"

"Awe, are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah, you go NOW" she said shooing me away "I don't want you to be late"

I grabbed the keys and drove to the house. I ran to the door, and unlocked it. I haven't been here long, but i felt like I really belonged.

"HELLO" I said looking around the hall

"In here" Kylie yelled from the kitchen

I ran to the kitchen and dropped my bags on the chair

Kylie was sitting at the table on her phone.

I sat down besides her

"Hey chicka" she said winking at me

I got up and went to the fridge "You guys have no food"

Just then Rob (stylist) and Brit walked through the door. "Okay we have about 5 hours to make you 2 look fab" said Rob

I grabbed my phone and sat down right in front of Britt. She pulled on my shoulder length hair. She then began straightening the tips. I pulled open my phone decided to check my twitter

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