Chapter 8:The Truth

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1 week later:

Justin and I have been talking. But we aren't really official. Hes there for me, Im there for him. and we are just realllllllyyyyy good friends

Everything has been good, besides Kylie. She has been ignoring me lately. Kendall and I have gotten really close and everytime I offer her to hang out with us, she bails on me.

But whatever I'll give her space

Today Kendall wanted to have lunch, and I was really excited.  I haven't talked to or seen her all week and I missed her like crazy.

I walked into my closet and threw on a plain black jumpsuit. I walked to my shoe closet and threw on a pair of black steve madden flats

I sat at my vanity mirror and parted my front bangs I curled them with my iron and braided the rest of my hair in a french braid

I then applied a dark matte mac lipstick and then put on some mascara

I grabbed my car keys, my phone and yelled goodbye to Kourtney who was watching  tv in the family room

I closed the front door behind me and hopped in my matte gray G-Wagon 

I grabbed my phone from my Micheal Kors purse and texted Kendall

Me: Where are we meeting?

My Kenny: I am at Yang Chow

Me: On Broadway?

My Kenny: yeah, HURRY I MISS YOU

I threw my phone in the cup holder and drove to the restaurant

I hopped out of my car and walked into the restaurant

I looked around and spotted the face of Kendall and across from her was another long black haired girl

'Kim?!' I thought to myself as I walked closer

Kendall jumped up from the table "Christy" she yelled running over to me and giving me a big hug

Then her square shaped head turned to me 'Kylie'

She turned to me and gave me a fake smile

'What is wrong with her' I thought to myself

We sat down and ordered some chicken and fried rice to share

After 10 minutes of sitting there silently on our phones waiting on our food I broke the silence "So Kylie what's wrong" I said bluntly

She gave me a stankface, "There isn't anything wrong with" she said with an attitude

"I didn't mean to offend you" I said not trying to start a fight "But if I did or said something to offend you, I want to fix it"

"Well maybe it doesn't need to be fixed" she said rolling her eyes

"What do you mean?" I said eyeing Kendall who was trying to understand what was going on

"Christal, your NOT wanted in this family" Kylie said quietly

"Kylie" Kendall hollered

"NO" kylie shouted "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND"

I listened shocked "What do you mean?"

"Think about it" she said "If ANY of them would adopted you, WHY would it be Kourtney who pushes out babies like everyday"

I just sat there quiet

"Exactly, it's all for the publicity" Kylie said

"Kylie Kristen Jenner" Kendall said loudly "you need to stop right now"

"I'm sorry but she needed to know the truth" Kylie said taking a bite from the chicken that had arrived during her talk  "It's not my fault"

"She's right" I said finally speaking "it's not her fault, its mine for being so stupid"

I stood from the table with tears rolling down my eyes,I wiped them off and put my black sunglasses on

I walked out the restaurant

"Christal!!" Kendall called from the table but I kept on walking

I jumped in my car and drove the 10 minutes back to the house

I saw Kourtney's car still in the driveway but I walked in anyway

I slammed the big black door shut

"Christal?!" Kourtney hollered "Whats wrong?"

I just kept on walking, I ran to my bedroom and slammed the door shut 

I grabbed a suitcase and stuffed a whole bunch of clothes in it

There was tears streaming down my eyes, I grabbed some shoes and my electronics

Kourtney walked in "Christal, whats wrong with you"

"Why don't you ask Kendall and Kylie" I said pushing myself past her and out the door

I dropped my car keys on the floor 'I won't be needing that'

I walked out the door and walked a couple of blocks into town

an hour later I arrived at the bus stop and just on time

I hopped in and made myself comfortable for the next 19 hours

I leaned on the window and began to cry even more. Feeling unwanted was probably the worst feeling in the world

I remembered that every night at the foster center I would cry my eyes out

Now here I am again, crying...

Why doesn't anyone want me?!

I closed my eyes... and feel asleep

3 hours later:

I woke up to the sound of my phone

'JB is calling you'

I answered

"What?" I answered bluntly

"Where are you" he asked


"Christal, whats wrong"

"Justin, you have been a really good friend to me, but I can't be a burden to you" I said right before hanging up

20 hours later:

I arrived at my hotel, and checked into my room and unpacked my bags. I ran the shower on and took a nice cold shower

10 minutes later:

I walked to the dresser and through on a pair of white tights, a denim shirt, and a pair of nike roshes

I grabbed my phone and closed my hotel door

I walked a couple of blocks to the bus stop and waited for about 10 minutes

20 minutes later:

The bus came to a stop right on the street that I needed to be on

I looked at my photo album and zoomed in on the address

I walked onto a dirty path which lead to a black rusted gate which was a covering over the peeling white painted door

I knocked and heard talking, then when I knocked the second time, it went absolutely silence

"Hello"? I said knocking  " I can hear you"

2 seconds later the door swung open, and there she stood... My mom, my birth mom...  

A/N: So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I just updated 2 chapters in a week and I'm pretty proud of myself! So I will update the next chapter next week, and if the week goes to plan I will probably update the next after that!

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