Chapter 17: Hey we need to talk

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"Honey, I'm home" I yelled as I shut the door behind me

I could hear little pitter patter run down the stairs

"Christal baby, your back" she said running and embracing me "I missed you"

After a few minutes of talking and catching up I decided to go and take a nice shower

  Just as I hopped out, I decided that it was time to handle a few things  

me: hey, we need to talk

??: same place

I quickly got dressed and grabbed my car keys

I haven't driven my car in so long and it was nice to have my bestie back

"Hey Mila" I said as I hopped in the driver seat

I drove to his house and stepped out

I took a few deep breathes preparing myself for what was going to happen

I rung the doorbell and within a few seconds he opened up

"Hey, long time no see" he said giving me a slight smirk

"Yeah" I said as I followed him into the living room

"So how was New York"? he asked sitting down

"I just need to say a few things and I'll be out of your way" I asked getting frustrated, I was sick and tired of him just pulling me along for the ride

"Okay no problem, let's hear it" he said laying back with that dumb grin on his face

"I'm not sure what you think you're doing, but im not like any of the other girls you've dated" I said "I'm not a fool, and you're not just going to drag me along"

"C, what are you talking about?" he asked standing up "is this about Hailey?"

"Not just that, actually I could care less about her, it's about how you treat me, you act like you don't care" I said, my voice getting angry

"That's not true!" he said walking closer "I'm just confused, I've never felt this way, its all new to me"

"Justin, I just need time" I said as I headed for the door

"WAIT" he said after me, but I was already out the door 

And with that I quickly left, I drove the ten minutes back home blasting music

Speaking of music, I needed to get back in the studio, now more than ever

I closed my bedroom door behind me and grabbed my laptop

I began writing, every emotion that I've felt when it comes to my relationship, and with my adoption, mostly my relationship

Just then Kourtney walked in, "Hey baby, how are you feeling" she said with something behind her back

"I come bearing icecream" and with that she revealed a carton of rocky road ice cream

"Not all heroes wear capes" I said throwing my laptop to the side "you're a lifesaver"

She climbed the bed next to me, "so what are you up?" she asked as she passed me a spoon

"I'm writing some music, I think I have another single" I said showing her my laptop, "what do you think?"

"It's really good, but sad" she said reading it over

"I put all my emotions in it, so I guess you can say that I'm sad" I said closing my laptop

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