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-Robin is a blanket hog and only shares with finney, once he was at Vance's house and Vance tried to steal the blanket and Robin punched him in the face.
-Finn has sh scars everywhere on his body from when he tried to end it with a shard of glass from a glass bottle he found in the Grabber's basement.
-Robin has sh burn marks on his chest, he doesn't like taking his shirt off, only in front of finn.
-After finn escaped he ran straight to Robin's house to hug him, he missed  him so much.
-When they're at sleepovers they usually sleep in boxers and kiss each other's scars(NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY).
-Robin calls finn nicknames in Spanish and Finn secretly finds it hot.
-Finn would have panic attacks in the school bathroom and Robin was always there for him, every single attack.
-finn loves grape soda, so everyone they hang out Robin gets him some
-Robin's mom supports them, she's a ALLY❤️
-Finn's dad beat him when he found out finn is gay
-Robin was at Finn's house once and finn's dad went crazy because his dad caught them cuddling, and he started to hit finn, and Robin beat his dad's ass making him pass out(SAD).
-Robin gets into fights if someone says even one little thing bad about Finn.
-They fell in love with each other at robin's house, finn was helping him with math for the first time and they fell in love.
-Robin didn't leave finn at all after he escaped, he walked him to his house at the ends of sleep overs, slept at robin's house for a straight week.
-Robin prefers thighs(LMAO)
-Finn prefers hands

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