"On my birthday, July, 10. I lost you. It's not your fault. It was his fault."

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This story contains drunk driving/car accidents/death/ Terrance/Abuse mentions/Sad ig?
Vance is Finney's and Gwen's brother.
Finney's Pov
July, 10. Today is my birthday. I never really liked my birthday. It was always a quiet day on my birthday. No surprise parties just the way I liked it. I hate having attention on me. Even if it's my special day. I was hanging out with Robin today. I told him not to get me anything but he always does. I don't like when people waste their money on me. I feel bad. It was 9:47 am and me and Robin were hanging out at 10:30. I decided to get out of bed. I got up and rubbed my eyes. I stretched to try to ease the soreness of waking up. I walked into my bathroom, I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I went back into my room and changed. I picked out a blue nasa shirt, baggy jeans, and my converse. I put the jeans on and removed my old shirt and went over to my night stand. I grabbed my deodorant and put some on. I then put my shirt on and my socks and shoes on. I sprayed some cologne and grabbed my phone, seeing a message from Robin. I opened it. He told me happy birthday at 12:01 am. I smiled and walked out my room. I saw Gwen and Terrance in the kitchen. Vance and Gwen was the first to tell me happy birthday. "Happy 15th birthday." Terrance said. I looked at him stunned. I turned 18 not fucking 15. I just looked at him. "What? Is there a problem?" Terrance said looking at me. "I'm an adult." I said grabbing my car keys and walked out of the house. I drove to Robin's house. It was a silent drive. Just Deftones and The Smiths playing casually in the background. I tapped my fingers on the wheel to the rhythm of the songs. I then pulled into Robin's driveway. I got out of the car and knocked on the door. It was his uncle. "Hola Finney!" He said with a smile. "Hey, Ray!" I said. "Happy 18th birthday!" The older man said as he pulled me into a hug. I almost started crying. "Hey don't steal my boyfriend." I heard a voice behind him. "Robin!" I said as his uncle let me go. "Happy birthday, Amor!" Robin said grabbing me and hugging me. "Thanks Rob." I said giving him a smile as I looked at the ground. "Let's go to my room." Robin said putting his arm around me as we began to walk through the hall. "So, what did you get for your birthday so far?" He asked me. "Uh, Gwen got me a Lego spaceship and Vance got me a necklace." I said pulling the chain out of my shirt showing him. "That's awesome! Did Terrance get you anything?" He asked me. "Nope, he didn't even know how old I am. He told me happy 15th birthday." I said and chuckled under my breathe. "What the fuck. Like actually I will kill that motherfucker!" Robin said pissed off. "Robin calm down, I'm 18 I know how to fight. Soon I can move out." I said sighing. "It's just fucked up! I mean he doesn't know your age! When Gwen's over here being his little princess. You don't get treated well." Robin said. "I just feel guilty." I said as I plopped on his bed. Inhaling Robin's scent that was deep down in his bed spread. It smelled good, it smelled like home. "About what?" He asked sitting beside me. "I'm 18, Vance is 19, and Gwen's 16. I'm moving out and leaving her soon." I said moving my head to the side to look at him. "Y'know, you could move in with me. I mean Tío loves you and I think I may love you too." He said laughing. "I think I may love you." I smiled at him. "Okay enough. Time for your gift!" Robin said getting up. "Rob! We agreed, your not getting me something!" I said sitting up. "I don't care, you're my boyfriend of four years. Of course you're getting something!" I rolled my eyes playfully. He then pulls out a box from his closet. "So! You've been wanting this forever and ever. All you do is talk about it. So, I got you it!" He said handing me the box. I smiled at him and opened the box. "Oh my god! No way. It's the space ship I've been wanting forever!" I said as I got up and sat on his lap and hugged him. "I'm glad you like it." Robin said as he hugged me back. "But this is so expensive. How did you get it?" I asked him pulling away from the hug. "It's not that much Finn, I have a job that pays good. Anything for you." He said as he kissed my cheek. "Rob, you are the best! I love you so much!" I said and kissed him. "I love you more." He said as he kissed back. "You wanna go to the park or something?" Robin asked me pulling away. "Yea!" I said as I got off his lap and waited for him at the door. "Alright, let's go!" Robin said as he grabbed his house key. We walked outside, I gave him my keys so he drove to the park. We walked to the swings. Slowly moving out feet back and fourth as our hands hang loose together. "I can't believe I'm 18!" I said breaking the silence. "Finally an adult." Robin said smiling. We sat there for about 15 minutes until I got a phone call. I looked at Robin and he nodded for me to pick up. "Hello?" I asked. "Is this Finney Blake?" The person asked me, it sounded like a women. "Yes. This is he." I answered and looked at Robin. "Are you in any relations to Gwendolyn Blake?" The women asked me. "Yes. She's my sister! Did something happen!?" I asked frantically waiting for a answer. "She was in a car accident. They took her to the hospital. She's in a coma on life support. I am so sorry." My face expression faded. "No that can't be! She's 16, she hasn't even passed her permit!" I said with hope. "She wasn't the one driving. It was a older man driving. Terrance Blake we believe." The women told me. "So, your telling me. Gwen got hurt but not him!?" I said as my eyes started tearing up. Robin looked at me with big eyes. "Yes. You can come see her if you would like, the doctors will give their information, your brother is putting up a fight, he won't stop hitting your father." The girl said sounding sad. "Yes, that's Vance, Thank you." I said as she hung up. I burst into tears. "Gwen's in the hospital, Vance is putting up a fight with the police because he can't beat the shit out of my dad." I said. "Can we go to the hospital?" I asked him. "Of course we can."

Robin Pov

We walked to the car. Finn was crying even more now. He told me she was in a coma, his dad was sadly fine and Vance was trying to beat up Terrance. I started to drive to the hospital. We got there. Finn was freezing so I gave him my hoodie. We walked in the hospital. It gave me the chills. Last time I was here was when Finn was kidnapped. Finn was crying too much to talk to I asked where Gwen was. "Hello, we're here to see Gwendolyn Blake." I said to the receptionist. "Relations?" She asked. "I'm her brothers boyfriend and that's her brother." I told her. "Okay, room 507. The elevator is over there." She said and pointed at the elevator. "Thank you." I said as I wrapped my arm around Finn as we made it into the elevator. I hit the fifth floor button and waited for the doors to open. We walked down the hall. 505, 506, and then 507." "You ready?" I asked Finn. He just shook his head. I opened the bedroom. Vance quickly got up. He was crying also. Bruce was next to him, with a sad look on his face. Vance ran to Finn, as soon as he saw us. Vance hugged Finn. Finn lost it as he cried into Vance's chest. "I shouldn't have left her!" Finn said through sobs. "No no. It's not your fault. I left her with Terrance, I should've stayed home." Vance said. "Let's just stop, how is she." Finn said as he walked to the side of the bed. "Doctors said there's nothing else they can do. She's not going to make it, Finney." Bruce said because Vance was all choked up. Vance sobbed hearing that sentence as Bruce hugged him. "No! No! She can't die! She's too young!" Finn yelled. "Finn, come here." I said as I walked to him and hugged him. "This isn't fair! She's dead but Terrance survived!?" Finn said as he hit my chest over and over. I know he didn't mean it. I understand losing someone. "This is all my fault!" Finn yelled as his knees collapsed on the floor. I sat down with him as he cried into my chest. "It's not yours fault or Vance's fault. It was Terrance's." I said as I rubbed his back.

Vance Pov
Just then we heard a nurse talking outside and then the door opened. There stood Terrance. I didn't say anything until he walked over to Gwen. "Oh my poor Gwenny." Terrance said acting sad. He grabbed her hand. That's when I lost it. I stood up and ran towards him. "Don't fucking touch her! You killed her. You fucking monster!" I said as I punched him in the face. "Vance!" Bruce yelled at me getting up and running towards me. "Vance! I did not kill her!" Terrance yelled at me and grabbed my arm. "Don't you dare fucking touch me. You're drunk! I'm surprised the doctors let you in here!" I screamed. Finn jumped and Robin covered Finn's ears as he sobbed. "Vance, calm down! It was a accident!" He said. "I will not calm down! She's my sister! You being drunk and driving was a accident?!" I said as I hit him again. "You can't hit your fucking father!" He yelled. "Oh ok! But all the times you hit Finney, Gwen, and Me, I'm not allowed to hit you? You put us through so much pain! Finney went to the hospital multiple times because of you! We all had to keep the story straight, so your ass didn't get in trouble!" I said as I punched him again. "Vance. I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you guys, I just didn't know how to care for you guys." Terrance said as he grabbed Vance by the face to look him in the eye. "So you didn't know how to take care of us? So you just hit us!? Makes sense! Get the fuck out! I don't want to see you ever again! I'm 19 I can pay the bills for now on! Go find yourself a home!" I said as I slapped his hand away from my face. He opened his mouth but then closed it back up and walked out. That's the last time I ever saw him. Bruce walked up to me. "Vance, come here." He said and hugged me as I cried.


It was Gwen's funeral. Finney, Vance, Robin, Bruce, Griffin, billy, and Donna was there out of our friends. A few baseball teammates came also. A lot of our family came. No Terrance.

"On my birthday, July, 10. I lost you. It's not your fault. It was his fault. I love you so much Gwen. You were the best sister, from making me laugh, smile and comfortable on bad days. But now today is a bad day and your not here. May you rest in piece, Gwen. We all loved you. I was never your fault. Nothing was ever your fault. Say hello to mum for me. You were taken to young. I love you so much. You were taken too soon."
                                                                                                                  -Finney Blake

Just then the casket was lowered into the fresh dug grave. Guess we will never know the whole story, but you will never be forgotten my sister, Gwendolyn Blake.


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