Scrubbing can't erase the past.

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This story contains rape/sa talk. Please read at your own risk. If you start venting in the comments please do not. I've been through sa and I do not want to hear about it anymore. I am sorry if i sound rude but this is my boundary. If anyone vents I will delete your comment. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here. Dm or message me. I hope you guys will understand my boundaries.
Tw- ED talk, throwing up, bingeing, talking about weight and talk about rape/sa

Finney's pov.
It's been three months ever since I escaped that basement. I am now 15. I'm dating Robin. He has comforted me this whole time. Ever since I walked out of that house, he was there standing by Gwen. I remember the face he made. A mix of sad and relieved emotions. I still don't like talking about what happened in that basement. I was 15. My virginity was wiped away from my life. That one thing that you would want to give to your lover. Gone. It's gone to a sick old man. I hate talking about it. I hate how long I had to sit there and let him control me. I didn't get up for days. I laid in the bed. I felt numb. Tears dried on my face as I stare at the wall before me. The sound of the screeching door still haunts my memory. I don't like people seeing me after the shower. I scrub hard. Trying to remove his handprints that will always have a memory on me. The handprints that I was to young to receive. I haven't even told Robin what he did. I don't think I ever can. He worried about me. I was never fed in the basement. I would always binge eat then throw it all back up. I didn't deserve the food. If anyone, the kids that lost their lives in that basement deserve it more than me. I mean i only weight 82 lbs. Before I was in that basement I weighed 94 pounds(it's canon look at his missing poster.) I remember being in the hospital hooked up to many ivs that took my blood and gave me fluids. I hated seeing Robin and Gwen cry when they sat next to me. Unable to even glance at them when they would talk. I know it's selfish but I just couldn't look at anyone. They all looked like him.

Robin Pov
I remember when Finn limped out that house. He looked so helpless. His pants were wrinkled, his shirt was ripped, his wrists had rope marks on them, and his face. God that face he made when he limped out. A mix of hope, sadness and numbness. I was the first person to wrap him in a hug. He cried into my shoulder and fell on his knees. His painful sobs made me stomach turn. He was hurt real hurt. It has been three months and I still don't know the story from him. Whatever that man did, really fucked Finn in the brain. He went to the hospital. He only weighed 82 lbs. He had no color on his face. He looked numb, almost like a brick wall. When we went home he took his whole outfit. The blue and white shirt, the jeans, the shoes and his black boxers and cut them up and threw them away. I stood beside him watching as he sobbed and kept cutting at them. It broke my heart seeing him like this. He was so hurt. He didn't talk for days. Wouldn't even give a small grin. It's been three months. He's not making himself throw up anymore. He also got some weight back on him. He's always been skinny but when he walked out of the house. He was skinnier than a small child. His bones looked so fragile. I swear if he moves the wrong way they would snap. The worst thing is after showers. He doesn't like people seeing him after showers. He's really red, so red he's almost bleeding. I need to ask him what happened. We were going to hang out today so I'm gonna ask him. I then got ready to go pick him up. I walked outside and turned my truck on and drove to his house. I got out and knocked on the door. He opened the door. "Hey Finn!" I said. "Hey rob." He replied. "Ready to go?" I asked. He nodded. "Gwen, I'm going to Robin's house!" He yelled. "Okay, be safe!" She yelled back. Finn then closed the door and locked it. We got in my truck and I started driving. "You can put something on if you want." I said looking at him and then back on the road. "Okay." Finn said and chose a band to listen to. He put on Deftones. The rest of the drive was quiet besides the song "7 Words" by Deftones playing in the background. I broke the silence. "So, how have you been?" I asked him. "I mean, better than before but I'm still shaken up, Y'know?" He responded. "Yea i get that, you're so strong though." I said smiling. He let out a small laugh. "Such a dork." Finn said. "A dork for you." I said looking at him with a grin. "Keep your eyes on the road!" Finn said laughing. We made it to my house and walked in. "Hola, mama." I said walking Finn into the kitchen. "Hola Robin, hola Finney." She said looking up then looking back down at the food she was making. "Are you boys hungry?" She asked us. Finn was the first to speak. "I already ate but whatever you're cooking smells amazing!" Finn said smiling. "Why thank you!" My mom said. "I'll eat later mama." I said as she gave me a hug and gave Finn a hug. We walked to my room. "God I love your mom, she's so nice." Finn said smiling. "Yup, she likes you. Sometimes I think she likes you more than me!" I laughed. "I'm just a likable person." Finn said. "Hey Finn, can I ask you a question?" I said taking his hand and guiding us to the bed. "Yea of course." He said looking at me worried. "Uh, it's been three months since we'll Y'know, what happened? I understand if you're not ready." I said to him. I saw his smile disappear. "I may not be ready to tell the world but I think I can tell my boyfriend about what happened." I smiled. "Whenever you're ready." I said taking both on hands and placing them in my lap. He started talking a little shaky. I could feel his hands shaking a bit. "He would uh, he would." He seemed rushed. "Baby, take your time. We have all night." I reassured him. He nodded. "When he kidnapped me, i thought he wasn't going to hurt me that bad. I mean he never fed me. But I thought it couldn't get worse than that. He took something very special. Something I wanted to give instead of it being ripped away from me. What I'm trying to say is. He abused me, tied me up for days and he raped me." He said as tears swelled in his eyes. "Oh my god. Finn I am so sorry. You didn't deserve any of that. You didn't deserve to be kidnapped in the first place. He is a sick man. " I said pulling him into my lap. "He would touch my thighs and my face. He seemed okay at first. Towards the end he wasn't. I always scrub my skin as hard as I can in the shower. Trying to forget this horrible vivid memory. But scrubbing can't erase the past." He said and started to let the tears fall. "Is that why you don't like people looking at you after showers?" I asked. "Yea I didn't want you or anyone to judge me." He said with a sniffle. "I would never judge you. That is not something to judge. I will never fully understand what happened because I never went through it but I know I will never judge or leave you over something like this. I am here for you and forever." I said whispering in his ear. "Can we go to bed?" He asked me. "Of course we can." I said laying us down. He laid on my chest and slowly closed his eyes. I wiped the tears on his cheeks. I kissed the top of his forehead and held him tight. I rubbed his back and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sorry for the end of this. I didn't really want to write more. I don't like writing long talks about trauma. Especially if I've been through it. So sorry for the last part. Anyways I love you guys. If you ever need someone to talk to, im here for you. Remember you are loved and you are enough🩷.

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