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Everyone was at Bruce's house. Bruce,Vance,Billy,Griffin,Robin and me. We were all having fun, confessing over stupid shit, smoking and getting drunk. "Who wants to play truth or dare!?" Bruce asked excitedly. Everyone agreed. "Finney, truth or dare?" Bruce asked me. I'm a baby I know so I'll pick truth "Truth!" I smiled. "Okay! Reveal your biggest secret that you never told ANYONE!" Bruce giggled.Truth is my biggest secret I have, I told Robin about it. "I uhm, I'm not really comfortable saying it Bruce." I said looking at the ground. Robin grabbed my hand as he put his head on my shoulder with a concerned look. "I don't wanna ruin the night guys, I'll probably be called a attention seeker" I said frowning. Robin looked at me and pulled me into a hug. He knew what was going on. "Oh come on finney! Don't be such a baby!" Bruce laughed half drunk. I looked at everyone with their faces forming into concerned faces. "I rather not talk about it bruce, it's really personal!" I said looking back at him. "Ugh finney! Your so hard to put up with! I'm not sure how robin is dating you! Your so stubborn!" He said giving him a dirty look. Robin looked up and took his head off my shoulder. "What the hell does that mean Bruce?" Robin said angrily. "I mean look at him Robin! He's trying to get attention! How can deal with his cry baby ass? Looks tears are in his eyes right now!" Bruce laughed "Bruce stop it." Vance said looking at Bruce. "Am I the only one not being sorry for his ass! Look at him! He gets bullied, his dad abuses him and his mom killed herself?! He's probably the reason she killed herself!" Bruce said looking at Vance then Finney. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Billy said looking away from almost crying griffin. "Griffin is scared of your yelling! You asshole!" Robin said looking at Bruce. I got up and walked to the bathroom, I blocked all the muffled yells coming from Bruce's living room. I locked the door falling on the floor and started crying. I talked to Bruce about my mom killing herself and my dad beating me, He told them! I told him and he promised not to tell anyone! I lay on the ground staring at the ceiling still crying.
"Bruce what the fuck is wrong with you, huh?" I said standing up. "Finney has you so wrapped around his finger! How can you defend him?" Bruce said standing up and walked over to me. "Maybe Im defending him because your being a asshole? You just fucking told his biggest secret and just giggled about it? What the hell Bruce!" I said as I pushed him. Vance got between us and he grabbed Bruce by the shoulder and walked him to his room. I went to go check on Finney. "Finn, let me in please?" I said knocking on the bathroom door as I heard sniffles. He got up and unlocked the door going back to where he was sitting. I walked in closing the door and locked it. "Oh Finn, come here" I said sitting next to him as he cried in my chest. I wanted to cry seeing him like this. "I don't know what gotten into him" I said with anger. He sniffled "I'm sorry" he said. "Why are you sorry?" I asked him. "I never told you about my mom and dad." He said playing with my shirt. "Hey, it's okay. You can tell me when your ready, okay?" I asked him "yeah thanks" he said with a sniffle. "Is griffin still scared? I didn't mean to scare him with my yelling!" He told me "No no he's okay, Billy is there with him. You weren't yelling only Bruce was! Bruce drank to much! But that's still not a excuse of what he did!" I told Finn. "Let's get out of here, okay?" I asked him. "Okay" he said quietly. "I'll help you up. When we leave we can go to the gas station? If you want?" Is asked him. "Yea I would like that!" I smiled.
We walked out of the bathroom and went to the living room to say bye to the others. Billy and griffin were sitting on the couch. Griffin was sitting next to Billy with his head on Billy's shoulder. Billy looked like he was going to burst with happiness. He loves Griffin. "Hey guys, Finn and I are going to get going, tell Vance we said bye for me?" Robin asked Billy. "Yea yea, bye guys. Sorry about Bruce Finney." He said looking at me. "Thanks Billy." I said. We walked outside "Why is Bruce so rude all of a sudden?" I asked Robin. "I don't know at this point. He's an asshole!" Robin said looking at me. We walked to the gas station, we walked in. "Shit, Robin I don't have any money on me" I said digging my hand through my pockets. "Clam down finn, I'm paying!" Robin smiled. "Oh thanks Robin." I smiled. We walked to the drink aisle. I grabbed a grape soda and he grabbed a RedBull. We walked down the candy aisle, "what are you going to get?" I asked Robin. "Uh I'm not sure? Maybe fruit snacks!" He smiled. "Didn't you eat a whole box of those?" I giggled. "That was one time, there was like no food in my house and I was really hungry!" He laughed grabbing fruit snacks. "I'm getting life saver gummies!" I smiled. (REMINDS ME OF THAT TT OF WHATS YOUR FAV CANDY AND THE GUYS GOES "reeses pieces or lifesaver gummies, give me a bag of those and their gone" LMAO💀) "okay!" Robin smiled. We walked to the counter. "Is that it for you guys?" The cashier said. Robin looked at me "Uh can I get a pack of cigarettes?" He asked the cashier. The cashier sighed and got a pack throwing them on the counter. I flinched of the sound of the pack hitting the counter. "That'll be $12.86" the cashier said. Robin gave the cashier a dirty look. He took his wallet out of his pocket and paid. We walked out of the gas station "That guys was a complete dick!" He whined. "Since when do you smoke?" I asked him. "Oh I've been smoking for a while..I'm sorry it's a habit." Robin said looking at the ground. "It's okay, I have habits too sadly." I said looking at him. "Like what?" He asked me. "I sh and drink." I said looking down at the ground. "Why do you do that stuff?" Robin asked. "Because of my mom and dad. My dad yells and beats me and Gwen and my mom killed herself while I was home with her. My dad took Gwen to the store and she killed herself in the shower.." I said almost starting to cry. "I've blamed myself ever since." I told robin. "I'm sorry finn, I shouldn't have asked!" He apologized. "No no! It's fine Rob, I thought I would tell you!" I told him. "Why did she kill herself?" He asked me. "I guess to get away from my dad.?" I responded letting a tear fall down my face. "Come on let's go to my room." Robin said sadly. "Ok" I responded. "You can sit on my bed I'm going to go to the bathroom." Robin said. "Ok!" I said getting my life saver gummies out and sat on the bed. I like robin's room, he has bandanas on his wall, a lot of posters, plants that somehow he keeps alive and a big ass closet which doesn't have a lot because half of his clothes are in my closet but whatever. He came back in the room. "Hi baby!" I said smiling. "Hi love!" He responded walking over to the bed and sitting right next to me. "I'm sorry about today with Bruce and everything." He looked at me. "I don't know what got into him." I said looking back at him. "Can I grab some clothes to change into?" I asked him. "Sure go ahead! I don't have as much as I used to because you never give them back!" He said "sorry!" He laughed in response. I grabbed a hoodie and shorts that look like they fit me. I changed and sat back on the bed. "Can you give me that pillow?" I asked him. "Sure?" He said confused and gave me the pillow. I grabbed the pillow, I put it on the bed and put my face on it and screamed letting all the emotions out. Robin looked at me confused. "Sorry I had to let it all out." I said looking at him. "It's ok I understand" he smiled. "Can we go to bed?" I asked him. "Of course mi amor, come here!" He said opening his arms. I fell in those arms and smiled as I felt safe. "Night amor" he said as I drifted asleep.


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