Chapter 2

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"And then I proceeded to get scolded by Theresa when I arrived late." The Captain bluntly spoke, he placed his mug down as he was sitting on his desk with paperwork already out.

"That's auntie for you..." Kiana laughed sheepishly, scratching her nose. She lays on the couch that was in his office, kicking her legs in the air. "When are you gonna finish with work Captain? I wanna go play!"

"Play? Eh..." He sweatdropped at Kiana's claim and simply scoffed. "Why wait for me? Go on and ask one of the others. Mei? Bronya? The others. Besides, I'm pretty sure they're more fun than me." He suggested with a smile.

"Eh. But it's been a while since we've been together!" Kiana kicked her legs in the air as she continued to lay against the soft furniture. Like a spoiled brat, she whined.


"Yes, Captain?"

"We hung out two days ago."

"Two days is equivalent to forty-eight hours. Forty-eight hours is also 2880 minutes. 2880 minutes equates to 172,800 seconds." Kiana hummed with a frown. "That's too much time apart don't you think Captain?"

"Who are you and what have you done with Kiana?" The Captain stared at Kiana with a serious gaze. "Everyone knows Kiana is dumb as bricks. She cannot reach the capacity level of knowing how many seconds are in a few hours and so forth."

"That's mean, Captain!" Kiana threw one of the cushions at him, he simply brought his hands up and blocked the upcoming cushions thrown at him. He laughs in response.

"Alright alright. I'm sorry!" He chuckled as the final cushion came his way but he grabbed it midair. "I was just joking, you softy!" He proceeded to launch the cushion at Kiana who was surprised, not expecting him to throw it back at her.

"Oof!" The cushion knocked Kiana back down onto the couch as it hit her directly in the face.

"You get what you deserve!" The Captain pointed at Kiana, laughing as he clutched his stomach at the Valkyrie that lays on the couch with a cushion on her face. "Now then... back to work..." He grabbed his pen as it slowly went down and pressed on the paper.

Suddenly a strong force hit him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground and off his chair.

"Take that!" Kiana clutched her stomach as she laughed historically while pointing at the Captain. "Payback Captain!"

"..." The Captain slowly removed the cushion off his face, he laid flat on the ground, staring at the ceiling with a blank look. "Now... I'm motivated!"  Springing back up, he gripped the cushion, Kiana was startled at his sudden movement. He threw the cushion at Kiana, but to his dissatisfaction, she reacted in time and dodged out the way. He was quick to grab one of the other cushions that she threw at him earlier and launched.

Kiana was trying her best to dodge and weave. She was quick to drop down to the ground and dodged the cushion that was aimed at her head. Quickly getting up from the floor as she grabbed a cushion from the ground. Bringing it up to her face as she blocked another attack. "Take this Captain!" She flung the cushion but saw as the man panicked and threw himself to the side, dodging the attack. "Drat! You dodged!" She pouted.

"I can't let myself get hit again!" The Captain grinned and threw another projectile.

"Ha! You missed again!" Kiana laughed as she dodged with ease. "OOF!" Suddenly, she got hit by a cushion the instant she dodged the first one thrown at her.

"Don't get cocky Kiana! Letting your guard down will lead to your downfall!" The Captain smirked.

"Grr..." Kiana's eyes flared up at his taunt. "It's on!" Her eyes glowed gold for a moment, causing the Captain to flinch. One eye then turned pure gold, the other was her usual light blue color.

Captain is Ours. Source: Valkyries [HI3]Where stories live. Discover now