Chapter Two: Now, You Have My Heart

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Kwite kept on looking at the bunny through the window, ignoring everything else around him despite the chat's confusion on his sudden focus and silence.

The bunny stared back.

Neither moved for a couple of minutes, just gazing at each other, completely imnamored. Then, it started moving.

It turned it's head at Kwite looking a little confused, but Kwite, the idiot he is, somehow accidentally pressed the sound button a couple of rooms over.

The tension was gone, the bunny turned and left down the hall to investigate. And Kwite? He was left cursing at himself and feeling greatly disappointed. And a bit, just a  L I T T L E  B I T  horny.

He remembered, people were actually there, though not in person. And thousands have just seen him incredibly love sick. He didn't really care, he just hoped the comments weren't to bad. That hope wasn't very much though.

As predicted, the chat was breaking out a storm. They never really saw him like that before, cartoon hearts LITERALLY formed on his glasses, he saw something and they wanted to know what.

He of course didn't tell them, those nosy motherfuckers can find out another time. Right now, Kwite's main priority was to get the bunny back to the Office. That meant using the camera system.

He looked around and found the bunny in Cam 3, he then clicked one of the Cams closest to him and set out that weird laugh noise. He went back to Cam 3 and saw it moving to the Cam he picked.

Kwite tried to find a Cam closer but, he already picked the closest. So he just hopefully waited for the bunny to come nearby. The Stream long forgotten. (They could survive alone.)

Eventually he got tired of waiting and decided to just get up and go look for the robot. He wasn't paying much attention and turned in the chair. Well.. it looks like he wouldn't have to move far to get to it.

Considering it was directly in his face.

Kwite, very slowly, turned off the stream and closed the laptop. He stared back at the robot, not knowing what to really do in it's wonderful presence. He was pretty sure his 'brain' was shutting down.

But he kept it on when he realized it was saying something.

"-guard.. Who, are you?" The rabbit said, and hot DAMN did Kwite want to hear that gravely voice for the rest of his life.

When he actually got a grip, (impossible, I know!), He responded to them, "Uh- Kwite. I'm.. my name's Kwite." He felt really stupid after, and he wish he said something better. Hell he wished he had a different name.

But that seemed to be the robots last concern, as he stared at Kwite more. Like he was expecting something, and Kwite wasn't doing it. This made him nervous, doing something wrong not even on the second meeting?

He swore he felt his chances slipping through his fingers, the robot after a while stopped looking at Kwite as if he was glaring straight into his soul. (Not even waiting till the first date? C'mon!), He seemed done with his inspection and somewhat... satisfied?

It looked he was going to leave, (You just got there!), and to Kwite, that was too soon. But he didn't really know how to get him to stay, so he immediately asked a random question.

"What's your name-?" Wow. How Groundbreaking of him, that will get them to stay for sure! Kwite didn't really expect to get an answer to that. But he was fortunately surprised.

"Springtrap." And despite it being a short answer, Kwite very visibly swooned. Somehow the name was hot to him. (I mean, who am I to judge? I'm writing this.) Springtrap let out a chuckle at this, and Kwite's head was static for a few seconds.

By the time he wasn't dying from loving that man so much, Springtrap was already gone. And Kwite was left longing for love, a thing he never thought he would have done in his life.

Despite only knowing Springtrap for a few hours, he already knew this man had his heart.

He would make sure he would have his too.

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