Chapter Five: Get in bitches, we're going shopping.

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Kwite was planning on instantly bringing Springtrap to his place, but thought maybe some nice items or going shopping and seeing certain things would jog the memory more than his sad ass excuse of a house.

So they were currently on their way to the mall.

After a few hours of driving and one sided chatting, they eventually made it to [Uhhh UHHHH] mall. Springtrap didn't say anything, but made it clear of his confusion. "I thought the mall would help with the memory issue, so welcome to Uhhh UHHHH mall! Where baffons like us go to buy too much stuff!"

The robot seemed intrigued by the idea, so he got out of the 1966 Ford Galaxie 500 7-Litre and followed Kwite's lead.

They walked into the mall and started looking around the place, it was very beautiful and fancy, but the chandelier looked fake as hell. Past that it all seemed very real.

As they ignored the stares of average civilians, and the screams of crying children, they eventually found their way to a clothing store. Aka a Thrift shop. Tall people have stuff here. (we do.)

Kwite dragged Springtrap in and began collecting clothes, after he had a decent pile, they went to the changing room that this place has and he dropped the clothes on the bench that is totally there.

"You, try these on, pick what you like and I'll buy it. Okay?" Springtrap nodded and Kwite walked out of the door. Truly that moment was hard for him, despite the bunny practically already being naked, he found himself blushing at the idea of Springtrap changing.

He waved the thought off and waited until he came out. When he did, he was wearing a white button up shirt, light brown coat, and some black tights that somehow fit him correctly.

Luckily Springtrap was 6'9, (Ayoooo 6'0 ganggg), so most of the clothes there could fit him. And he surprisingly, not so surprisingly to Kwite, looked very good in human clothes.

After Kwite got a good look, he gave the robot a nod of approval. He slapped some money on the counter since the employee ran away in fear earlier. They looked around some more trying to figure out more about the bunny.

But the only thing they found out was the fact Springtrap was Bri'ish. Purely Bri'ish. He doesn't really pronounce his T's half the damn time. Kwite found it hilarious.

They eventually decided to actually go to Kwite's excuse of a home in his 1966 Ford Galaxie 500 7-Litre.

Once they got there, Kwite opened the door to his excuse of a house. He looked behind him and it was already sunrise, which meant he had to go quicker. Springtrap informed him earlier that he had a save time. At 6AM, he would shut down and charge up on battery for a couple of hours.

So that meant he had to go faster. (haha sanic)

After he got the door open, he immediately started pushing the bunny inside, into the living room, and sat him down on the couch. "You can stay here until you charge up, alright?" Springtrap nodded.

The robot gazed to the window next to him that was showing the rising sun, he didn't even have to move a finger for Kwite to understand what he wanted.

The hoodie opened the curtains wider, but not enough that people could really see the Animatronic clearly. No one could see inside, but they could see the outside.

When he turned around, it appeared Springtrap smiled in appreciation. Though it was hard to tell, robot faces aren't the most expensive faces if we're going to be honest. Though it didn't seem like he expected him to tell.

Kwite smiled right back, but it seemed like he saw his too.

It always seemed like Springtrap could see his face, hell it felt like he could see right through him.

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